Hossein Rokni
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Cited by
Free vibration of functionally graded rectangular plates using first-order shear deformation plate theory
S Hosseini-Hashemi, HRD Taher, H Akhavan, M Omidi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (5), 1276-1291, 2010
Prediction of the mechanical characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites using a new form of the rule of mixtures
M Omidi, HR DT, AS Milani, RJ Seethaler, R Arasteh
Carbon 48 (11), 3218-3228, 2010
MoS2 Transistors Fabricated via Plasma-Assisted Nanoprinting of Few-Layer MoS2 Flakes into Large-Area Arrays
H Nam, S Wi, H Rokni, M Chen, G Priessnitz, W Lu, X Liang
ACS nano 7 (7), 5870-5881, 2013
Direct measurements of interfacial adhesion in 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures in ambient air
H Rokni, W Lu
Nature Communications 11 (1), 5607, 2020
Exact solutions for free flexural vibration of Lévy-type rectangular thick plates via third-order shear deformation plate theory
S Hosseini-Hashemi, M Fadaee, HRD Taher
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2), 708-727, 2011
Vibration analysis of rectangular Mindlin plates on elastic foundations and vertically in contact with stationary fluid by the Ritz method
SHH Hashemi, M Karimi, HRD Taher
Ocean Engineering 37 (2-3), 174-185, 2010
Exact solutions for rectangular Mindlin plates under in-plane loads resting on Pasternak elastic foundation. Part II: Frequency analysis
H Akhavan, SH Hashemi, HRD Taher, A Alibeigloo, S Vahabi
Computational Materials Science 44 (3), 951-961, 2009
Differential quadrature analysis of functionally graded circular and annular sector plates on elastic foundation
S Hosseini-Hashemi, H Akhavan, HRD Taher, N Daemi, A Alibeigloo
Materials & Design 31 (4), 1871-1880, 2010
Natural frequencies of rectangular Mindlin plates coupled with stationary fluid
S Hosseini-Hashemi, M Karimi, H Rokni
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2), 764-778, 2012
Exact solutions for rectangular Mindlin plates under in-plane loads resting on Pasternak elastic foundation. Part I: Buckling analysis
H Akhavan, SH Hashemi, HRD Taher, A Alibeigloo, S Vahabi
Computational Materials Science 44 (3), 968-978, 2009
Vibration analysis of radially FGM sectorial plates of variable thickness on elastic foundations
S Hosseini-Hashemi, HRD Taher, H Akhavan
Composite Structures 92 (7), 1734-1743, 2010
Analytical closed-form solutions for size-dependent static pull-in behavior in electrostatic micro-actuators via Fredholm integral equation
H Rokni, RJ Seethaler, AS Milani, S Hosseini-Hashemi, XF Li
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 190, 32-43, 2013
Size-dependent vibration behavior of functionally graded CNT-reinforced polymer microcantilevers: modeling and optimization
H Rokni, AS Milani, RJ Seethaler
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 49, 26-34, 2015
Nonlocal nonlinear free vibration of nanobeams with surface effects
S Hosseini-Hashemi, R Nazemnezhad, H Rokni
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 52, 44-53, 2015
Nanoimprint-Assisted Shear Exfoliation (NASE) for Producing Multilayer MoS2 Structures as Field-Effect Transistor Channel Arrays
M Chen, H Nam, H Rokni, S Wi, JS Yoon, P Chen, K Kurabayashi, W Lu, ...
ACS nano 9 (9), 8773-8785, 2015
3-D free vibration analysis of annular plates on Pasternak elastic foundation via p-Ritz method
S Hosseini Hashemi, H Rokni Damavandi Taher, M Omidi
Journal of Sound and Vibration 311 (3), 1114-1140, 2008
An exact analytical solution for freely vibrating piezoelectric coupled circular/annular thick plates using Reddy plate theory
S Hosseini-Hashemi, M Es’Haghi, HRD Taher
Composite Structures 92 (6), 1333-1351, 2010
A continuum model for the static pull-in behavior of graphene nanoribbon electrostatic actuators with interlayer shear and surface energy effects
H Rokni, W Lu
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (15), 2013
Exact closed-form frequency equations for thick circular plates using a third-order shear deformation theory
S Hosseini-Hashemi, M Es’Haghi, HRD Taher, M Fadaie
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (16), 3382-3396, 2010
Hydroelastic vibration and buckling of rectangular Mindlin plates on Pasternak foundations under linearly varying in-plane loads
S Hosseini-Hashemi, M Karimi, DTH Rokni
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (12), 1487-1499, 2010
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Articles 1–20