André Peralta-Santos
André Peralta-Santos
University of Washington (US) | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (PT)
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Cited by
The comparative politics of COVID-19: The need to understand government responses
SL Greer, EJ King, EM da Fonseca, A Peralta-Santos
Global public health 15 (9), 1413-1416, 2020
Coronavirus politics: The comparative politics and policy of COVID-19
SL Greer, E King, E Massard da Fonseca, A Peralta-Santos
University of Michigan Press, 2021
Manchester Triage System version II and resource utilisation in the emergency department
AP Santos, P Freitas, HMG Martins
Emergency Medicine Journal 31 (2), 148-152, 2014
Gaseous emissions and process development during composting of pig slurry: the influence of the proportion of cotton gin waste
A Santos, MA Bustamante, G Tortosa, R Moral, MP Bernal
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 81-90, 2016
Macronutrient composition and gestational weight gain: a systematic review
MJ Tielemans, AH Garcia, AP Santos, WM Bramer, N Luksa, MJ Luvizotto, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 103 (1), 83-99, 2016
Tracking SARS-CoV-2 lineage B. 1.1. 7 dissemination: insights from nationwide spike gene target failure (SGTF) and spike gene late detection (SGTL) data, Portugal, week 49 2020 …
V Borges, C Sousa, L Menezes, AM Gonçalves, M Picão, JP Almeida, ...
Eurosurveillance 26 (10), 2100131, 2021
mRNA vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19-related hospitalisations and deaths in older adults: a cohort study based on data linkage of national health registries in Portugal …
B Nunes, AP Rodrigues, I Kislaya, C Cruz, A Peralta-Santos, J Lima, ...
Eurosurveillance 26 (38), 2100833, 2021
MOHID 2000-A coastal integrated object oriented model
R Miranda, F Braunschweig, P Leitao, R Neves, F Martins, A Santos
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 40, 2000
Comparative effectiveness of coronavirus vaccine in preventing breakthrough infections among vaccinated persons infected with Delta and Alpha variants
I Kislaya, EF Rodrigues, V Borges, JP Gomes, C Sousa, JP Almeida, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 28 (2), 331, 2022
27. COVID-19 in Brazil: Presidential Denialism and the Subnational Government's Response
A Peralta-Santos, E Massard da Fonseca, EJ King, SL Greer
Coronavirus politics: the comparative politics and policy of COVID-19, 2021
Telehealth opportunities in the COVID-19 pandemic early days: what happened, did not happen, should have happened, and must happen in the near future?
P Amorim, D Brito, M Castelo-Branco, C Fàbrega, F Gomes da Costa, ...
Telemedicine and e-Health 27 (10), 1194-1199, 2021
Viral genetic clustering and transmission dynamics of the 2022 mpox outbreak in Portugal
V Borges, MP Duque, JV Martins, P Vasconcelos, R Ferreira, D Sobral, ...
Nature Medicine 29 (10), 2509-2517, 2023
Omicron (BA. 1) SARS-CoV-2 variant is associated with reduced risk of hospitalization and length of stay compared with Delta (B. 1.617. 2)
A Peralta-Santos, EF Rodrigues, J Moreno, V Ricoca, P Casaca, ...
MedRxiv, 2022.01. 20.22269406, 2022
Composts produced from pig slurry solids: nutrient efficiency and N-leaching risks in amended soils
A Santos, D Fangueiro, R Moral, MP Bernal
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2, 8, 2018
3. State Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Governance, Surveillance, Coercion, and Social Policy
A Peralta-Santos, E Massard da Fonseca, EJ King, SL Greer
Coronavirus politics: The comparative politics and policy of COVID-19, 2021
Interaction with virtual content using augmented reality: a user study in assembly procedures
B Marques, J Alves, M Neves, I Justo, A Santos, R Rainho, R Maio, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4 (ISS), 1-17, 2020
Increasing risk of breakthrough COVID-19 in outbreaks with high attack rates in European long-term care facilities, July to October 2021
C Suetens, P Kinross, PG Berciano, VA Nebreda, E Hassan, C Calba, ...
Eurosurveillance 26 (49), 2101070, 2021
Association of enteropathogen detection with diarrhoea by age and high versus low child mortality settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JM Baker, M Hasso-Agopsowicz, VE Pitzer, JA Platts-Mills, ...
The Lancet Global Health 9 (10), e1402-e1410, 2021
Coronavirus politics: the comparative politics and policy of COVID-19
A Peralta-Santos, E Massard da Fonseca, EJ King, SL Greer
University of Michigan Press, 2021
Thermal and spectroscopic analysis of organic matter degradation and humification during composting of pig slurry in different scenarios
J Martín-Mata, C Lahoz-Ramos, MA Bustamante, FC Marhuenda-Egea, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 17357-17369, 2016
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Articles 1–20