Romain Bourqui
Cited by
Cited by
Winding roads: Routing edges into bundles
A Lambert, R Bourqui, D Auber
Computer graphics forum 29 (3), 853-862, 2010
D Auber, D Archambault, R Bourqui, M Delest, J Dubois, A Lambert, ...
Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining, 1-28, 2017
Large interactive visualization of density functions on big data infrastructure
A Perrot, R Bourqui, N Hanusse, F Lalanne, D Auber
2015 IEEE 5th Symposium on large Data Analysis and Visualization (lDAV), 99-106, 2015
3D edge bundling for geographical data visualization
A Lambert, R Bourqui, D Auber
2010 14th international conference information visualisation, 329-335, 2010
Communities and hierarchical structures in dynamic social networks: analysis and visualization
F Gilbert, P Simonetto, F Zaidi, F Jourdan, R Bourqui
Social Network Analysis and Mining 1 (2), 83-95, 2011
The tulip 3 framework: A scalable software library for information visualization applications based on relational data
D Auber, D Archambault, R Bourqui, A Lambert, M Mathiaut, P Mary, ...
INRIA, 2012
Metabolic network visualization eliminating node redundance and preserving metabolic pathways
R Bourqui, L Cottret, V Lacroix, D Auber, P Mary, MF Sagot, F Jourdan
BMC systems biology 1, 1-19, 2007
State of the art of visual analytics for explainable deep learning
B La Rosa, G Blasilli, R Bourqui, D Auber, G Santucci, R Capobianco, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 42 (1), 319-355, 2023
ImPrEd: An Improved Force‐Directed Algorithm that Prevents Nodes from Crossing Edges
P Simonetto, D Archambault, D Auber, R Bourqui
Computer Graphics Forum 30 (3), 1071-1080, 2011
How to draw clusteredweighted graphs using a multilevel force-directed graph drawing algorithm
R Bourqui, D Auber, P Mary
2007 11th International Conference Information Visualization (IV'07), 757-764, 2007
Detecting structural changes and command hierarchies in dynamic social networks
R Bourqui, F Gilbert, P Simonetto, F Zaidi, U Sharan, F Jourdan
2009 International conference on advances in social network analysis and …, 2009
Visual exploration of large multidimensional data using parallel coordinates on big data infrastructure
J Sansen, G Richer, T Jourde, F Lalanne, D Auber, R Bourqui
Informatics 4 (3), 21, 2017
Pathway preserving representation of metabolic networks
A Lambert, J Dubois, R Bourqui
Computer Graphics Forum 30 (3), 1021-1030, 2011
Toward automatic comparison of visualization techniques: Application to graph visualization
L Giovannangeli, R Bourqui, R Giot, D Auber
Visual Informatics 4 (2), 86-98, 2020
Relative confusion matrix: efficient comparison of decision models
LE Pommé, R Bourqui, R Giot, D Auber
2022 26th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 98-103, 2022
Visualizing patterns in node-link diagrams
A Lambert, F Queyroi, R Bourqui
2012 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 48-53, 2012
Multilayer graph edge bundling
R Bourqui, D Ienco, A Sallaberry, P Poncelet
2016 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 184-188, 2016
Visualizing omics and clinical data: Which challenges for dealing with their variety?
F Mougin, D Auber, R Bourqui, G Diallo, I Dutour, V Jouhet, F Thiessard, ...
Methods 132, 3-18, 2018
Features understanding in 3d cnns for actions recognition in video
KAA Fuad, PE Martin, R Giot, R Bourqui, J Benois-Pineau, A Zemmari
2020 Tenth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2020
Advantages of mixing bioinformatics and visualization approaches for analyzing sRNA-mediated regulatory bacterial networks
P Thebault, R Bourqui, W Benchimol, C Gaspin, P Sirand-Pugnet, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 16 (5), 795-805, 2015
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Articles 1–20