maali abdelhamid
maali abdelhamid
Laboratoire LOMA (CNRS/Université de Bordeaux)
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Cited by
Observing the progressive decoherence of the “meter” in a quantum measurement
M Brune, E Hagley, J Dreyer, X Maitre, A Maali, C Wunderlich, ...
Physical review letters 77 (24), 4887, 1996
Quantum Rabi oscillation: A direct test of field quantization in a cavity
M Brune, F Schmidt-Kaler, A Maali, J Dreyer, E Hagley, JM Raimond, ...
Physical review letters 76 (11), 1800, 1996
Photothermal imaging of nanometer-sized metal particles among scatterers
D Boyer, P Tamarat, A Maali, B Lounis, M Orrit
Science 297 (5584), 1160-1163, 2002
Ten years of single-molecule spectroscopy
P Tamarat, A Maali, B Lounis, M Orrit
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104 (1), 1-16, 1999
From Lamb shift to light shifts: Vacuum and subphoton cavity fields measured by atomic phase sensitive detection
M Brune, P Nussenzveig, F Schmidt-Kaler, F Bernardot, A Maali, ...
Physical review letters 72 (21), 3339, 1994
Hydrodynamics of oscillating atomic force microscopy cantilevers in viscous fluids
A Maali, C Hurth, R Boisgard, C Jai, T Cohen-Bouhacina, JP Aimé
Journal of Applied Physics 97 (7), 2005
Quantum switches and nonlocal microwave fields
L Davidovich, A Maali, M Brune, JM Raimond, S Haroche
Physical Review Letters 71 (15), 2360, 1993
Measurement of the slip length of water flow on graphite surface
A Maali, T Cohen-Bouhacina, H Kellay
Applied Physics Letters 92 (5), 2008
Fluorescent silver oligomeric clusters and colloidal particles
M Treguer, F Rocco, G Lelong, A Le Nestour, T Cardinal, A Maali, ...
Solid State Sciences 7 (7), 812-818, 2005
Oscillatory dissipation of a simple confined liquid
A Maali, T Cohen-Bouhacina, G Couturier, JP Aimé
Physical review letters 96 (8), 086105, 2006
Measurement of slip length on superhydrophobic surfaces
A Maali, B Bhushan
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2012
Boundary slip study on hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and superhydrophobic surfaces with dynamic atomic force microscopy
B Bhushan, Y Wang, A Maali
Langmuir 25 (14), 8117-8121, 2009
The microcantilever: A versatile tool for measuring the rheological properties of complex fluids
I Dufour, A Maali, Y Amarouchene, C Ayela, B Caillard, A Darwiche, ...
Journal of Sensors 2012 (1), 719898, 2012
Nanorheology and boundary slip in confined liquids using atomic force microscopy
A Maali, B Bhushan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (31), 315201, 2008
Velocity Profiles of Water Flowing Past Solid Glass Surfaces Using Fluorescent Nanoparticles<? format?> and Molecules as Velocity Probes
D Lasne, A Maali, Y Amarouchene, L Cognet, B Lounis, H Kellay
Physical Review Letters 100 (21), 214502, 2008
Atomic force microscopy measurement of boundary slip on hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and superhydrophobic surfaces
Y Wang, B Bhushan, A Maali
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 27 (4), 754-760, 2009
Improved acoustic excitation of atomic force microscope cantilevers in liquids
A Maali, C Hurth, T Cohen-Bouhacina, G Couturier, JP Aimé
Applied physics letters 88 (16), 2006
Coalescence and movement of nanobubbles studied with tapping mode AFM and tip–bubble interaction analysis
B Bhushan, Y Wang, A Maali
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (48), 485004, 2008
Viscoelastic drag forces and crossover from no-slip to slip boundary conditions for flow near air-water interfaces
A Maali, R Boisgard, H Chraibi, Z Zhang, H Kellay, A Würger
Physical review letters 118 (8), 084501, 2017
Hydrodynamic drag-force measurement and slip length on microstructured surfaces
A Maali, Y Pan, B Bhushan, E Charlaix
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (6 …, 2012
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Articles 1–20