Mohammad Zahirul Hoque, Ph.D.
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Cited by
Correlation of Oxidative stress with serum Trace element levels and antioxidant status in beta thalassemia major patients: a review of the literature
Q Shazia, ZH Mohammad, T Rahman, HU Shekhar
Anemia 2012 (270923), 1-7, 2012
First experimental transmission of Fatal familial Insomnia
J Tateishi, P Brown, T Kitamioto, ZM Hoque, raymond Roos, R Wollman, ...
Nature 376, 434-435, 1995
Experimental transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and related diseases to rodents
J Tateishi, T Kitamoto, MZ Hoque, H Furukawa
Neurology 46 (2), 532-537, 1996
Mutation in the prion protein gene at codon 232 in Japanese patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a clinicopathological, immunohistochemical and transmission study
MZ Hoque, T Kitamoto, H Furukawa, T Muramoto, J Tateishi
Acta neuropathologica 92, 441-446, 1996
Uranium in well drinking water of Kabul, Afghanistan and its effective, low-cost depuration using Mg-Fe based hydrotalcite-like compounds
MM Masashi Kato, Mohammad Daud Azimi, Said Hafizullah Fayaz, Muhammad Dawood ...
Chemosphere 165, 27-32, 2016
Species barrier prevents an abnormal isoform of prion protein from accumulating in follicular dendritic cells of mice with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
T Muramoto, T Kitamoto, MZ Hoque, J Tateishi, I Goto
Journal of virology 67 (11), 6808-6810, 1993
What are the determinants of health care expenditure? Empirical results from Asian countries
F Furuoka, BFY Lim, E Kok, MZ Hoque, Q Munir
Sunway Academic Journal 8, 12-25, 2011
Toxic elements in well water from Malaysia
M Kato, S Onuma, Y Kato, ND Thang, I Yajima, MZ Hoque, HU Shekhar
Toxicological & Environ Chemistry 92 (9), 1609-1612, 2010
Genomic structure of the native inhabitants of Peninsular Malaysia and North Borneo suggests complex human population history in Southeast Asia
CW Yew, D Lu, L Deng, LP Wong, RTH Ong, Y Lu, X Wang, Y Yunus, ...
Human genetics 137, 161-173, 2018
Genetic relatedness of indigenous ethnic groups in northern Borneo to neighboring populations from Southeast Asia, as inferred from genomewide SNP data
CW Yew, MZ Hoque, J Pugh-Kitingan, A Minsong, CLY Voo, ...
Annals of human genetics, 11, 2018
Analysis of five deep-sequenced trio-genomes of the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli and North Borneo populations
L Deng, H Lou, X Zhang, B Thiruvahindrapuram, D Lu, CR Marshall, C Liu, ...
BMC genomics 20, 1-13, 2019
Genotypes of the dengue virus in patients with dengue infection from Sabah, Malaysia
NI Najri, Z Mazlan, JJ Jaimin, R Mohammad, NHM Yusuf, VS Kumar, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1358 (1), 012019, 2019
AB084. The circulating serotypes of dengue in Sabah, Malaysian Borne
NI Najri, Z Mazlan, JJ Jaimin, R Mohammad, TAA Mohd, AA Hameed, ...
Annals of Translational Medicine 5 (Suppl 2), AB084-AB084, 2017
An analysis of the development assistance for health (DAH) allocations for STD control in Africa
F Furuoka, MZ Hoque, RI Jacob, P Ziegenhain
Health Economics, Policy and Law 15 (4), 458-476, 2020
Evaluation of antioxidant status in Beta thalassemia major patients in sabah, Malaysian Borneo.
MDKM Qaiser S, Hoque MZ, M Iqbal
Bioresearch communications 1 (1), 45-47, 2015
Shared Signature of Recent Positive Selection on the TSBP1–BTNL2–HLA-DRA Genes in Five Native Populations from North Borneo
BP Hoh, X Zhang, L Deng, K Yuan, CW Yew, WY Saw, MZ Hoque, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 12 (12), 2245-2257, 2020
Determinants of antiretroviral therapy coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa
F Furuoka, MZ Hoque
PeerJ 3, e1496, 2015
Whole genome sequencing data of a clinical Enterococcus gallinarum strain EGR748 from Sabah, Malaysia
NN Mastor, VK Subbiah, WNWA Bakar, K Begum, MJ Alam, MZ Hoque
Data in Brief 33, 106370, 2020
Concurrent juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia with thalassemia in a case with Plasmodium knowlesi infection from Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
MA Abdullah, SM Abdullah, SV Kumar, MZ Hoque
Hematology Reports 11 (3), 8167, 2019
Research notes on bats’ species assemblage in Madai Cave of Segama Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
A Mahyudin, SS Sukiman, SV Kumar, MZ Hoque
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1053 (1), 012017, 2022
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Articles 1–20