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The prevalence of major depressive and bipolar disorders in Hungary: results from a national epidemiologic survey
E Szadoczky, ZS Papp, J Vitrai, Z Rıhmer, J Füredi
Journal of affective disorders 50 (2-3), 153-162, 1998
NO-induced migraine attack: strong increase in plasma calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) concentration and negative correlation with platelet serotonin release
G Juhasz, T Zsombok, EA Modos, S Olajos, B Jakab, J Nemeth, ...
Pain 106 (3), 461-470, 2003
Clozapine effects on hostility and aggression in schizophrenia
J Volavka, JM Zito, J Vitrai, P Czobor
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 13 (4), 287-288, 1993
Suicide attempts in the Hungarian adult population. Their relation with DIS/DSM-III-R affective and anxiety disorders
E Szadoczky, J Vitrai, Z Rihmer, J Füredi
European psychiatry 15 (6), 343-347, 2000
Trends in educational inequalities in obesity in 15 European countries between 1990 and 2010
K Hoffmann, R De Gelder, Y Hu, M Bopp, J Vitrai, E Lahelma, G Menvielle, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 14, 1-10, 2017
Neuroleptics in acute mania: a pharmacoepidemiologic study
JCY Chou, JM Zito, J Vitrai, TJ Craig, BH Allingham, P Czobor
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 30 (12), 1396-1398, 1996
Pharmacoepidemiology of clozapine in 202 inpatients with schizophrenia
JM Zito, J Volavka, TJ Craig, P Czobor, S Banks, J Vitrai
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 27 (10), 1262-1269, 1993
Lateralization as a factor in the prognosis of middle cerebral artery territorial infarct
Z Aszalós, P Barsi, J Vitrai, Z Nagy
European neurology 48 (3), 141-145, 2002
A MINI és a MINI Plusz kérdőív magyar nyelvű változatának kidolgozása
J Balázs, I Bitter, K Hideg, J Vitrai
Psychiatr Hung 13, 160-8, 1998
Pathological sleep apnoea frequency remains permanent in ischaemic stroke and it is transient in haemorrhagic stroke
A Szücs, J Vitrai, J Janszky, G Migléczi, R Bódizs, P Halász, Z Nagy
European neurology 47 (1), 15-19, 2002
Sexual dysfunction among patients treated with antidepressants—a Hungarian retrospective study
P Osvath, S Fekete, V Vörös, J Vitrai
European Psychiatry 18 (8), 412-414, 2003
Taplalkozasi vizsgalat Magyarorszagon, 2003-2004
I Rodler, L Bíró, E Greiner, G Zajkás, I Szórád, A Varga, A Domonkos, ...
Orvosi Hetilap 146 (34), 1781-1789, 2005
Effect of autogenic training on drug consumption in patients with primary headache: An 8‐month follow‐up study
T Zsombok, G Juhasz, A Budavari, J Vitrai, G Bagdy
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 43 (3), 251-257, 2003
Gender differences in major depressive disorder in a Hungarian community survey
E Szadoczky, Z Rihmer, ZS Papp, J Vitrai, J Füredi
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 6 (1), 31-37, 2002
A hangulat-es szorongasos zavarok elöfordulasa a felnott magyar lakossag köreben
E Szádóczky, Z Papp, J Vitrai, J Füredi
Orv. Hetil 141, 17-22, 2000
Fluoxetine use is associated with improved survival of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: A retrospective case-control study.
ZK Németh, A Szucs, J Vitrai, D Juhász, JP Németh, A Holló
Clinical Neuroscience/Ideggyogyaszati Szemle 74, 2021
Characteristics of state hospital patients arrested for offenses committed during hospitalization.
J Volavka, Y Mohammad, J Vitrai, M Connolly, M Stefanovic, M Ford
Psychiatric services (Washington, DC) 46 (8), 796-800, 1995
Frontotemporal abnormalities and violent behavior
A Convit, R Douyon, KF Yates, G Smith, P Czobor, J de Asis, J Vitrai, ...
Aggression and Violence, 169-194, 2014
Dietary survey in Hungary, 2003–2004. Micronutrients: vitamins
G Zajkás, L Bíró, E Greiner, I Szórád, H Ágoston, A Balázs, J Vitrai, ...
Orvosi hetilap 148 (34), 1593-1600, 2007
Dietary survey in Hungary, 2003-2004
I Rodler, L Bíró, E Greiner, G Zajkás, I Szórád, A Varga, A Domonkos, ...
Orvosi hetilap 146 (34), 1781-1789, 2005
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