Daniela Pagnozzi
Daniela Pagnozzi
Porto Conte Ricerche Srl
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Generation of high‐quality protein extracts from formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded tissues
MF Addis, A Tanca, D Pagnozzi, S Crobu, G Fanciulli, P Cossu‐Rocca, ...
Proteomics 9 (15), 3815-3823, 2009
The impact of sequence database choice on metaproteomic results in gut microbiota studies
A Tanca, A Palomba, C Fraumene, D Pagnozzi, V Manghina, M Deligios, ...
Microbiome 4, 1-13, 2016
Evaluating the impact of different sequence databases on metaproteome analysis: insights from a lab-assembled microbial mixture
A Tanca, A Palomba, M Deligios, T Cubeddu, C Fraumene, G Biosa, ...
PloS one 8 (12), e82981, 2013
Comparison of detergent‐based sample preparation workflows for LTQ‐Orbitrap analysis of the Escherichia coli proteome
A Tanca, G Biosa, D Pagnozzi, MF Addis, S Uzzau
Proteomics 13 (17), 2597-2607, 2013
Liquid chromatography− tandem mass spectrometric ion-switching determination of chlorantraniliprole and flubendiamide in fruits and vegetables
P Caboni, G Sarais, A Angioni, S Vargiu, D Pagnozzi, P Cabras, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 56 (17), 7696-7699, 2008
A straightforward and efficient analytical pipeline for metaproteome characterization
A Tanca, A Palomba, S Pisanu, M Deligios, C Fraumene, V Manghina, ...
Microbiome 2, 1-16, 2014
The sheep milk fat globule membrane proteome
S Pisanu, S Ghisaura, D Pagnozzi, G Biosa, A Tanca, T Roggio, S Uzzau, ...
Journal of Proteomics 74 (3), 350-358, 2011
Proteomic analysis of muscle tissue from gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, L.) farmed in offshore floating cages
MF Addis, R Cappuccinelli, V Tedde, D Pagnozzi, MC Porcu, E Bonaglini, ...
Aquaculture 309 (1-4), 245-252, 2010
Interaction proteomics
M Monti, S Orru, D Pagnozzi, P Pucci
Bioscience reports 25, 45-56, 2005
Functional proteomics
M Monti, S Orru, D Pagnozzi, P Pucci
Clinica chimica acta 357 (2), 140-150, 2005
Caloric restriction promotes functional changes involving short-chain fatty acid biosynthesis in the rat gut microbiota
A Tanca, M Abbondio, A Palomba, C Fraumene, F Marongiu, M Serra, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 14778, 2018
Critical comparison of sample preparation strategies for shotgun proteomic analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples: insights from liver tissue
A Tanca, M Abbondio, S Pisanu, D Pagnozzi, S Uzzau, MF Addis
Clinical proteomics 11, 1-12, 2014
Diversity and functions of the sheep faecal microbiota: a multi‐omic characterization
A Tanca, C Fraumene, V Manghina, A Palomba, M Abbondio, M Deligios, ...
Microbial biotechnology 10 (3), 541-554, 2017
Proteomics and Pathway Analyses of the Milk Fat Globule in Sheep Naturally Infected by Mycoplasma agalactiae Provide Indications of the In Vivo Response of the …
MF Addis, S Pisanu, S Ghisaura, D Pagnozzi, G Marogna, A Tanca, ...
Infection and immunity 79 (9), 3833-3845, 2011
Neutrophil extracellular traps in sheep mastitis
S Pisanu, T Cubeddu, D Pagnozzi, S Rocca, C Cacciotto, A Alberti, ...
Veterinary Research 46, 1-14, 2015
Production and release of antimicrobial and immune defense proteins by mammary epithelial cells following Streptococcus uberis infection of sheep
MF Addis, S Pisanu, G Marogna, T Cubeddu, D Pagnozzi, C Cacciotto, ...
Infection and immunity 81 (9), 3182-3197, 2013
Effect of whey concentration on protein recovery in fresh ovine ricotta cheese
E Salvatore, M Pes, G Falchi, D Pagnozzi, S Furesi, M Fiori, T Roggio, ...
Journal of dairy science 97 (8), 4686-4694, 2014
Occurrence and characterization of peptaibols from Trichoderma citrinoviride, an endophytic fungus of cork oak, using electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of …
L Maddau, A Cabras, A Franceschini, BT Linaldeddu, S Crobu, T Roggio, ...
Microbiology 155 (10), 3371-3381, 2009
Differences in the peptide profile of raw and pasteurised ovine milk cheese and implications for its bioactive potential
S Pisanu, D Pagnozzi, M Pes, A Pirisi, T Roggio, S Uzzau, MF Addis
International Dairy Journal 42, 26-33, 2015
Comparability of differential proteomics data generated from paired archival fresh-frozen and formalin-fixed samples by GeLC–MS/MS and spectral counting
A Tanca, D Pagnozzi, GP Burrai, M Polinas, S Uzzau, E Antuofermo, ...
Journal of proteomics 77, 561-576, 2012
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Articles 1–20