Tien Pham
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Cited by
Machine learning/artificial intelligence for sensor data fusion–opportunities and challenges
E Blasch, T Pham, CY Chong, W Koch, H Leung, D Braines, T Abdelzaher
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 36 (7), 80-93, 2021
Optimal and wavelet-based shock wave detection and estimation
BM Sadler, T Pham, LC Sadler
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104 (2), 955-963, 1998
An ontology-centric approach to sensor-mission assignment
M Gomez, A Preece, MP Johnson, G De Mel, W Vasconcelos, C Gibson, ...
Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns: 16th International Conference …, 2008
TTCP AG-6: Acoustic detection and tracking of UAVs
T Pham, N Srour
Unattended/unmanned ground, ocean, and air sensor technologies and …, 2004
Adaptive wideband aeroacoustic array processing
T Pham, BM Sadler
Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 295-298, 1996
Matching sensors to missions using a knowledge-based approach
A Preece, M Gomez, G De Mel, W Vasconcelos, D Sleeman, S Colley, ...
Defense Transformation and Net-Centric Systems 2008 6981, 71-82, 2008
Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance fusion for coalition operations
T Pham, GH Cirincione, D Verma, G Pearson
2008 11th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1-8, 2008
Integrating hard and soft information sources for D2D using controlled natural language
A Preece, D Pizzocaro, D Braines, D Mott, G De Mel, T Pham
2012 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1330-1337, 2012
Wideband array processing algorithms for acoustic tracking of ground vehicles
T Pham, BM Sadler
US Army Research Laboratory, report. Available at: http://www. arl. army …, 1997
Quality of information in sensor networks
C Bisdikian, R Damarla, T Pham, V Thomas
1st Annual Conference of ITA (ACITA’07) 56, 2007
Algorithm for classifying multiple targets using acoustic signatures
T Damarla, T Pham, D Lake
Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XIII 5429, 421-427, 2004
QoI for passive acoustic gunfire localization
LM Kaplan, T Damarla, T Pham
2008 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2008
Simulation of detection and beamforming with acoustical ground sensors
DK Wilson, BM Sadler, T Pham
Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications IV 4743, 50-61, 2002
Agilely assigning sensing assets to mission tasks in a coalition context
A Preece, T Norman, G De Mel, D Pizzocaro, M Sensoy, T Pham
IEEE Intelligent Systems 28 (1), 57-63, 2012
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for multi-domain operations applications
LN Smith, N Topin
Proceedings of the International Society for Optics and Photonics, Baltimore …, 2019
Controlled english to facilitate human/machine analytical processing
D Braines, D Mott, S Laws, G De Mel, T Pham
Next-Generation Analyst 8758, 44-56, 2013
Localization with sparse acoustic sensor network using UAVs as information-seeking data mules
DJ Klein, S Venkateswaran, JT Isaacs, J Burman, T Pham, J Hespanha, ...
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 9 (3), 1-29, 2013
Information extraction using controlled english to support knowledge-sharing and decision-making
P Xue, D Mott, D Braines, S Poteet, A Kao, C Giammanco, T Pham, ...
17th ICCRTS “Operationalizing C2 Agility.”, Fairfax VA, USA, 2012
Reasoning and resource allocation for sensor-mission assignment in a coalition context
A Preece, D Pizzocaro, K Borowiecki, G de Mel, M Gomez, ...
MILCOM 2008-2008 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1-7, 2008
Energy-based source localization via ad-hoc acoustic sensor network
T Pham, BM Sadler, H Papadopoulos
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 2003, 387-390, 2003
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Articles 1–20