Chris Knudson
Chris Knudson
University of Hawai'i at Hilo
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Cited by
Assessing the homogenization of urban land management with an application to US residential lawn care
C Polsky, JM Grove, C Knudson, PM Groffman, N Bettez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (12), 4432-4437, 2014
Will COVID-19 be one shock too many for smallholder coffee livelihoods?
Z Guido, C Knudson, K Rhiney
World Development 136, 105172, 2020
Epidemics and the future of coffee production
K Rhiney, Z Guido, C Knudson, J Avelino, CM Bacon, G Leclerc, MC Aime, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (27), e2023212118, 2021
Shocks and cherries: The production of vulnerability among smallholder coffee farmers in Jamaica
Z Guido, C Knudson, T Finan, M Madajewicz, K Rhiney
World Development 132, 104979, 2020
Appraising geodiversity and cultural diversity approaches to building resilience through conservation
C Knudson, K Kay, S Fisher
Nature Climate Change 8 (8), 678-685, 2018
Legal geographies and political ecologies of water allocation in Maui, Hawai ‘i
A Cantor, K Kay, C Knudson
Geoforum 110, 168-179, 2020
Climate information services for adaptation: what does it mean to know the context?
Z Guido, C Knudson, D Campbell, J Tomlinson
Climate and Development 12 (5), 395-407, 2020
Perceived links between climate change and weather forecast accuracy: new barriers to tools for agricultural decision-making
Z Guido, S Lopus, K Waldman, C Hannah, A Zimmer, N Krell, C Knudson, ...
Climatic Change 168, 1-20, 2021
The gnat and the bull do climate outlook forums make a difference?
AK Gerlak, SJ Mason, M Daly, D Liverman, Z Guido, MB Soares, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (6), E771-E784, 2020
Climate finance justice: international perspectives on climate policy, social justice, and capital.
L Gifford, C Knudson
The missing middle of climate services: layering multiway, two-way, and one-way modes of communicating seasonal climate forecasts
C Knudson, Z Guido
Climatic Change 157 (1), 171-187, 2019
One size does not fit all: Universal livelihood insurance in St. Lucia
C Knudson
Geoforum 95, 78-86, 2018
Cultivating crisis: Coffee, smallholder vulnerability, and the uneven sociomaterial consequences of the leaf rust epidemic in Jamaica
K Rhiney, C Knudson, Z Guido
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111 (2), 440-458, 2020
Mid-term review of the global framework for climate services
AK Gerlak, Z Guido, C Knudson
World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 2017
Just water transitions at the end of sugar in Maui, Hawai ‘i
C Knudson, A Cantor, K Kay
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5 (4), 2073-2097, 2022
Radical Paradoxes: The Making of Antipode at Clark University
MT Huber, C Knudson, R Tapp
Spatial histories of radical geography: North America and beyond, 87-115, 2019
Plantation pasts, plantation futures: resisting zombie water infrastructures in Maui, Hawai’i
K Kay, C Knudson, A Cantor
The Journal of Peasant Studies 51 (1), 111-134, 2024
The Insurance Trap: Banana Farming in Dominica after Hurricane Hugo.
C Knudson
The Caribbean Region: Adaptation and Resilience to Global Change, 2017
Detroit Geographical Expedition Institute: Unpacking the history and structure of the DGEI
C Knudson
Antipode Foundation, 2017
Implementing a knowledge system: Lessons from the global stewardship of climate services
Z Guido, C Knudson, AK Gerlak, S Mason, CD Hewitt, M Muth
Global Environmental Change 74, 102516, 2022
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Articles 1–20