Articles with public access mandates - Serdar AydınLearn more
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Accelerating the reaction process of sodium carbonate-activated slag mixtures with the incorporation of a small addition of sodium hydroxide/sodium silicate
X Dai, Q Ren, S Aydin, MY Yardimci, G De Schutter
Cement and Concrete Composites 141, 105118, 2023
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Fresh and hardened state properties, reaction kinetics and microstructure of sodium sulfate/sodium hydroxide–Activated slag mixtures
X Dai, S Aydin, MY Yardimci, G De Schutter
Construction and Building Materials 401, 132943, 2023
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Reaction Kinetics and Fresh State Properties of Alkali-Activated Slag Mixtures with Secondary Precursors
X Dai, M Yücel Yardimci, S Aydin, G De Schutter
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 36 (2), 04023566, 2024
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Early structural build‐up behavior, setting mechanism, and nanostructure of alkali‐activated GGBFS mixtures
X Dai, S Aydin, MY Yardimci, G Reekmans, P Adriaensens, GD Schutter
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 107 (1), 576-592, 2024
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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Effect of temperature on the fresh and hardened state properties of alkali-activated slag/fly ash mixtures
X Dai, S Aydin, MY Yardimci, Y Sun, G De Schutter
Materials and Structures 56 (5), 107, 2023
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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