Leonid Pourovskii
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Cited by
Dynamical mean-field theory within an augmented plane-wave framework: Assessing electronic correlations in the iron pnictide LaFeAsO
M Aichhorn, L Pourovskii, V Vildosola, M Ferrero, O Parcollet, T Miyake, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (8), 085101, 2009
The most incompressible metal osmium at static pressures above 750 gigapascals
L Dubrovinsky, N Dubrovinskaia, E Bykova, M Bykov, V Prakapenka, ...
Nature 525 (7568), 226-229, 2015
Bandwidth and Fermi surface of iron oxypnictides: Covalency and sensitivity to structural changes
V Vildosola, L Pourovskii, R Arita, S Biermann, A Georges
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (6), 064518, 2008
Self-consistency over the charge density in dynamical mean-field theory: A linear muffin-tin implementation and some physical implications
LV Pourovskii, B Amadon, S Biermann, A Georges
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (23), 235101, 2007
TRIQS/DFTTools: A TRIQS application for ab initio calculations of correlated materials
M Aichhorn, L Pourovskii, P Seth, V Vildosola, M Zingl, OE Peil, X Deng, ...
Computer Physics Communications 204, 200-208, 2016
Importance of electronic correlations for structural and magnetic properties of the iron pnictide superconductor LaFeAsO
M Aichhorn, L Pourovskii, A Georges
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (5), 054529, 2011
Correlation effects in electronic structure of actinide monochalcogenides
LV Pourovskii, MI Katsnelson, AI Lichtenstein
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (11), 115106, 2005
Ab Initio Study of Phase Equilibria in
PA Korzhavyi, LV Pourovskii, HW Hugosson, AV Ruban, B Johansson
Physical review letters 88 (1), 015505, 2001
Importance of Correlation Effects in hcp Iron Revealed by a Pressure-Induced<? format?> Electronic Topological Transition
K Glazyrin, LV Pourovskii, L Dubrovinsky, O Narygina, C McCammon, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (11), 117206, 2013
Core-level shifts in fcc random alloys: A first-principles approach
W Olovsson, C Göransson, LV Pourovskii, B Johansson, IA Abrikosov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (6), 064203, 2005
Local moment vs. Kondo behavior of the 4f-electrons in rare-earth iron oxypnictides
L Pourovskii, V Vildosola, S Biermann, A Georges
Europhysics Letters 84 (3), 37006, 2008
d-and f-orbital correlations in the REFeAsO compounds
T Miyake, L Pourovskii, V Vildosola, S Biermann, A Georges
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77 (Suppl. C), 99-102, 2008
Magnetic collapse and the behavior of transition metal oxides at high pressure
I Leonov, L Pourovskii, A Georges, IA Abrikosov
Physical Review B 94 (15), 155135, 2016
Nature of non-magnetic strongly-correlated state in δ-plutonium
LV Pourovskii, MI Katsnelson, AI Lichtenstein, L Havela, T Gouder, ...
Europhysics Letters 74 (3), 479, 2006
Impact of electronic correlations on the equation of state and transport in -Fe
LV Pourovskii, J Mravlje, M Ferrero, O Parcollet, IA Abrikosov
Physical Review B 90 (15), 155120, 2014
Dynamical mean-field theory investigation of specific heat and electronic structure of - and -plutonium
LV Pourovskii, G Kotliar, MI Katsnelson, AI Lichtenstein
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (23), 235107, 2007
Theoretical Prediction and Spectroscopic Fingerprints of an Orbital Transition in
LV Pourovskii, P Hansmann, M Ferrero, A Georges
Physical review letters 112 (10), 106407, 2014
Crystal-field splittings in rare-earth-based hard magnets: An ab initio approach
P Delange, S Biermann, T Miyake, L Pourovskii
Physical Review B 96 (15), 155132, 2017
Rare-earth vs. heavy metal pigments and their colors from first principles
JM Tomczak, LV Pourovskii, L Vaugier, A Georges, S Biermann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (3), 904-907, 2013
Heavy-fermion quantum criticality and destruction of the Kondo effect in a nickel oxypnictide
Y Luo, L Pourovskii, SE Rowley, Y Li, C Feng, A Georges, J Dai, G Cao, ...
Nature materials 13 (8), 777-781, 2014
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Articles 1–20