Shane Greenstein
Shane Greenstein
Harvard Business School
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The economics of compatibility standards: An introduction to recent research
PA David, S Greenstein
Economics of innovation and new technology 1 (1-2), 3-41, 1990
Technological competition and the structure of the computer industry
TF Bresnahan, S Greenstein
The Journal of Industrial Economics 47 (1), 1-40, 1999
The Internet and local wages: A puzzle
C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
American Economic Review 102 (1), 556-575, 2012
Technical progress and co-invention in computing and in the uses of computers
T Bresnahan, S Greenstein, D Brownstone, K Flamm
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics 1996, 1-83, 1996
What does it mean for industries to converge?
S Greenstein, T Khanna
Competing in the age of digital convergence, 201-226, 1997
How did location affect adoption of the commercial Internet? Global village vs. urban leadership
C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
Journal of urban Economics 58 (3), 389-420, 2005
The broadband bonus: Estimating broadband Internet's economic value
S Greenstein, RC McDevitt
Telecommunications Policy 35 (7), 617-632, 2011
The trillion dollar conundrum: Complementarities and health information technology
D Dranove, C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 6 (4), 239-270, 2014
How the internet became commercial: Innovation, privatization, and the birth of a new network
S Greenstein
Princeton University Press, 2015
Did installed base give an incumbent any (measureable) advantages in federal computer procurement?
SM Greenstein
The RAND Journal of Economics, 19-39, 1993
Coordination versus differentiation in a standards war: 56k modems
A Augereau, S Greenstein, M Rysman
The RAND Journal of Economics 37 (4), 887-909, 2006
Net neutrality: A fast lane to understanding the trade-offs
S Greenstein, M Peitz, T Valletti
Journal of Economic Perspectives 30 (2), 127-150, 2016
The effect of incentive regulation on infrastructure modernization: local exchange companies' deployment of digital technology
S Greenstein, S McMaster, PT Spiller
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 4 (2), 187-236, 1995
Is Wikipedia Biased?
S Greenstein, F Zhu
American Economic Review 102 (3), 343-348, 2012
Do experts or crowd-based models produce more bias? Evidence from Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia
S Greenstein, F Zhu
Mis Quarterly 42 (3), 945-960, 2018
Understanding the supply decisions of nonprofits: Modelling the location of private schools
TA Downes, SM Greenstein
The RAND Journal of Economics, 365-390, 1996
Adoptions and orphans in the early microcomputer market
N Gandal, S Greenstein, D Salant
The Journal of Industrial Economics 47 (1), 87-105, 1999
Market structure, innovation and vertical product differentiation
S Greenstein, G Ramey
International Journal of Industrial Organization 16 (3), 285-311, 1998
Invisible hands and visible advisors: An economic interpretation of standardization
SM Greenstein
Journal of the American society for information science 43 (8), 538-549, 1992
Geographic location and the diffusion of Internet technology
C Forman, A Goldfarb, S Greenstein
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 4 (1), 1-13, 2005
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Articles 1–20