Calvin Thigpen
Calvin Thigpen
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Impeding access: The frequency and characteristics of improper scooter, bike, and car parking
A Brown, NJ Klein, C Thigpen, N Williams
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 4, 100099, 2020
Commute quality and its implications for commute satisfaction: Exploring the role of mode, location, and other factors
S Handy, C Thigpen
Travel Behaviour and Society 16, 241-248, 2019
Using a stages of change approach to explore opportunities for increasing bicycle commuting
CG Thigpen, BK Driller, SL Handy
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 39, 44-55, 2015
Driver's licensing delay: A retrospective case study of the impact of attitudes, parental and social influences, and intergenerational differences
C Thigpen, S Handy
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 111, 24-40, 2018
Does news coverage of traffic crashes affect perceived blame and preferred solutions? Evidence from an experiment
T Goddard, K Ralph, CG Thigpen, E Iacobucci
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 3, 100073, 2019
Editorial patterns in bicyclist and pedestrian crash reporting
K Ralph, E Iacobucci, CG Thigpen, T Goddard
Transportation research record 2673 (2), 663-671, 2019
Do bicycling experiences and exposure influence bicycling skills and attitudes? Evidence from a bicycle-friendly university
C Thigpen
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 123, 68-79, 2019
INTERACT: A comprehensive approach to assess urban form interventions through natural experiments
Y Kestens, M Winters, D Fuller, S Bell, J Berscheid, R Brondeel, ...
BMC public health 19, 1-11, 2019
Strategic social learning and the population dynamics of human behavior: The game of Go
BA Beheim, C Thigpen, R Mcelreath
Evolution and Human Behavior 35 (5), 351-357, 2014
Modeling the impact of pavement roughness on bicycle ride quality
CG Thigpen, H Li, SL Handy, J Harvey
Transportation Research Record 2520 (1), 67-77, 2015
Political partisanship and transportation reform
NJ Klein, K Ralph, C Thigpen, A Brown
Journal of the American Planning Association 88 (2), 163-178, 2022
Giving parking the time of day: A case study of a novel parking occupancy measure and an evaluation of infill development and carsharing as solutions to parking oversupply
CG Thigpen
Research in Transportation Business & Management 29, 108-115, 2018
Traffic stress and bicycling to elementary and junior high school: Evidence from Davis, California
DT Fitch, CG Thigpen, SL Handy
Journal of Transport & Health 3 (4), 457-466, 2016
From advocacy to acceptance: Social media discussions of protected bike lane installations
C Ferster, K Laberee, T Nelson, C Thigpen, M Simeone, M Winters
Urban Studies 58 (5), 941-958, 2021
Examining the effect of life course events on modality type and the moderating influence of life stage
J Janke, CG Thigpen, S Handy
Transportation 48 (2), 1089-1124, 2021
Measurement validity of retrospective survey questions of bicycling use, attitude, and skill
C Thigpen
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 453-461, 2019
Repurposing the paving: The case of surplus residential parking in Davis, CA
CG Thigpen, JMB Volker
Cities 70, 111-121, 2017
Clutter and compliance: scooter parking interventions and perceptions
N Klein, A Brown, C Thigpen
Active Travel Studies 3 (1), 2023
Can you park your scooter there? Why scooter riders mispark and what to do about it
A Brown, NJ Klein, C Thigpen
Findings, 2021
Who is ready to bicycle? Categorizing and mapping bicyclists with behavior change concepts
C Thigpen, J Fischer, T Nelson, S Therrien, D Fuller, L Gauvin, M Winters
Transport policy 82, 11-17, 2019
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