Md Adnan Mahathir Munshi
Md Adnan Mahathir Munshi
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Insights into the mechanical properties and fracture mechanism of Cadmium Telluride nanowire
MAM Munshi, S Majumder, M Motalab, S Saha
Materials Research Express 6 (10), 105083, 2019
Deformation mechanisms of Inconel-718 at the nanoscale by molecular dynamics
A Faiyad, MAM Munshi, MM Islam, S Saha
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (17), 10650-10661, 2021
Cyclic and tensile deformations of Gold–Silver core shell systems using newly parameterized MEAM potential
SMAA Alvi, A Faiyad, MAM Munshi, M Motalab, MM Islam, S Saha
Mechanics of Materials 169, 104304, 2022
Atomistic modelling of functionally graded Cu-Ni alloy and its implication on the mechanical properties of nanowires
MSH Thakur, M Islam, NJ Monisha, P Bose, MAM Munshi, TH Pial
AIP Conference Proceedings 2324 (1), 2021
MEAM parameterization for cyclic and tensile deformations of Gold-Silver core-shell systems
SMAA Alvi, A Faiyad, MAM Munshi, M Motalab, MM Islam, S Saha
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08196, 2021
Atomistic Modelling of Functionally Graded Cu-Ni Alloy and its Implication on the Mechanical Properties of Nanowires
M Shajedul Hoque Thakur, M Islam, N Jahan Monisha, P Bose, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2009.06873, 2020
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