Henrik Bærbak Christensen
Henrik Bærbak Christensen
Associate Professor, Computer Science, Aarhus University
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Cited by
Pervasive computing support for hospitals: An overview of the activity-based computing project
JE Bardram, HB Christensen
IEEE Pervasive Computing 6 (1), 44-51, 2007
Supporting human activities—exploring activity-centered computing
HB Christensen, JE Bardram
UbiComp 2002: Ubiquitous Computing: 4th International Conference Göteborg …, 2002
Analysis and design of software ecosystem architectures–Towards the 4S telemedicine ecosystem
HB Christensen, KM Hansen, M Kyng, K Manikas
Information and Software Technology 56 (11), 1476-1492, 2014
Application requirements for middleware for mobile and pervasive systems
K Raatikainen, HB Christensen, T Nakajima
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 6 (4), 16-24, 2002
The unified extensional versioning model
J Estublier, U Asklund, L Bendix, HB Christensen, B Magnusson
System Configuration Management: 19th International Symposium, SCM-9 …, 1999
Architectural prototyping: An approach for grounding architectural design and learning
JE Bardram, HB Christensen, KM Hansen
Proceedings. Fourth working IEEE/IFIP conference on software architecture …, 2004
Teaching DevOps and cloud computing using a cognitive apprenticeship and story-telling approach
HB Christensen
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM conference on innovation and technology in …, 2016
Here, there and everywhere–on the recurring use of turtle graphics in CS1
ME Caspersen, HB Christensen
Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Computing Education Conference, ACE …, 2000
Using logic programming to detect activities in pervasive healthcare
HB Christensen
International conference on logic programming, 421-436, 2002
Flexible, reliable software: using patterns and agile development
HB Christensen
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2010
Middleware for pervasive healthcare
JE Bardram, HB Christensen
Advanced topic workshop: Middleware for mobile computing, 2001
An empirical investigation of architectural prototyping
HB Christensen, KM Hansen
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (1), 133-142, 2010
Systematic testing should not be a topic in the computer science curriculum!
HB Christensen
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 35 (3), 7-10, 2003
Experiences with architectural software configuration management in Ragnarok
HB Christensen
International Workshop on Software Configuration Management, 67-74, 1998
Frameworks: Putting design patterns into perspective
HB Christensen
Proceedings of the 9th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology …, 2004
Frameworks in CS1: a different way of introducing event-driven programming
HB Christensen, ME Caspersen
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Innovation and technology in …, 2002
Exploring quality attributes using architectural prototyping
JE Bardram, HB Christensen, AV Corry, KM Hansen, M Ingstrup
International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, 155-170, 2005
The Ragnarok architectural software configuration management model
HB Christensen
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems …, 1999
Open issues in activity-based and task-level computing
JE Bardram, HB Christensen
First International Workshop on Computer Support for Human Tasks and …, 2004
Lightweight and continuous architectural software quality assurance using the asqa technique
HB Christensen, KM Hansen, B Lindstrøm
European Conference on Software Architecture, 118-132, 2010
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Articles 1–20