The relationship between resilience & mental health among a sample of university of nizwa students-sultanate of oman S Rudwan, S Alhashimia European Scientific Journal 14 (2), 288-303, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
The Kuwait University Anxiety Scale: Reliability and criterion-related validity in Syrian college students AM Abdel-Khalek, S Rudwan Psychological Reports 89 (3), 718-718, 2001 | 24 | 2001 |
German version of the Kuwait University Anxiety Scale: psychometric parameters AM Abdel-Khalek, S Rudwan, K Reschke, I Tanjour Psychological reports 99 (2), 390-395, 2006 | 10 | 2006 |
Perceptions of mental health disorders: an exploratory study in some arab societies SJRSMA Owidha International Journal of Development Research 9 (1), 25369-25383, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Depression and Pessimism An Correlative-Comparative Study SJ Rudwan Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences 2 (01), 2001 | 4 | 2001 |
The Syrian Symptom Check List. SJ Rudwan Journal of the Social Sciences 28 (4), 2000 | 2 | 2000 |
The Safety-Oriented Personality Style or Phobicentric Psychopathology: A Cross-National Replication Study P Bickersteth, SJ Rudwan, M Shojaee, T Firoozi Psychology 12 (9), 1341-1363, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
The effects of covid-19 dependent post-traumatic stress symptom and corona coping self-efficacy on mental health in three Arab societies SJ Rudwan, SM Al-Owidha Available at SSRN 3683768, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
القلق الاجتماعي دراسة ميدانية لتقنين مقياس للقلق الاجتماعي على عينات سورية SG Radwan Qatar University, 2001 | 1 | 2001 |
Drivers with a migrant background in Germany. Experiences from Arab countries S Rudwan Blutalkohol 61 (3), 229-35, 2024 | | 2024 |
Fahrer mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland S RUDWAN Blutalkohol 61, 2024 | | 2024 |
of Scientific Research (IJSR) SJ Rudwan | | 2023 |
A Comparison of COVID-19-related Post-traumatic Stress, Self-efficacy, and Mental Health in Three Arab Countries SMAO , Sultan Rudwan International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 11 (4), 65-77, 2021 | | 2021 |
Differences between the children of foster families and children of original families in the way of responding to the Children's Apperception Test. SFA Rudwan Journal of social affairs 38 (151), 11-43, 2021 | | 2021 |
Psychometric properties of the COVID-19 associated PTSD-Scale SJ Rudwan Rudwan, SJ (2021). Psychometric properties of the COVID-19 associated PTSD …, 2021 | | 2021 |
الوعي المأزوم: رؤية نفسية في تمزق الهوية S Rudwan Arabixiv, 2020 | | 2020 |
مؤشرات جودة خدمات التوجيه المهني كما يدركها طلبة التعليم ما بعد الأساسي بمحافظة شمال الباطنة بسلطنة عُمان ومدى رضاهم عنها أستاذ. دكتور, سامر جميل رضوان, أستاذ, خلفان المكتومي المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية 8 (1), 365-385, 2020 | | 2020 |
علاج القبول والالتزام: 1 S Rudwan Arabixiv, 2020 | | 2020 |
الأساليب الإيحائية في التشخيص النفسي خطأ فني محتمل لابد من تجنبه S Rudwan Arabixiv, 2020 | | 2020 |
الكفاءة الانفعالية توسع لمفهوم الذكاء الوجداني S Rudwan Arabixiv, 2020 | | 2020 |