Sridhar Kalluri
Sridhar Kalluri
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Cited by
Objective measures of listening effort: Effects of background noise and noise reduction
A Sarampalis, S Kalluri, B Edwards, E Hafter
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2009
Predictors of hearing-aid outcomes
EA Lopez-Poveda, PT Johannesen, P Pérez-González, JL Blanco, ...
Trends in hearing 21, 2331216517730526, 2017
Hearing technology and cognition
S Kalluri, LE Humes
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville, MD, 2012
A comparison of CIC and BTE hearing aids for three-dimensional localization of speech
V Best, S Kalluri, S McLachlan, S Valentine, B Edwards, S Carlile
International Journal of Audiology 49 (10), 723-732, 2010
Acclimatization to hearing aids
P Dawes, KJ Munro, S Kalluri, B Edwards
Ear and hearing 35 (2), 203-212, 2014
The influence of cochlear mechanical dysfunction, temporal processing deficits, and age on the intelligibility of audible speech in noise for hearing-impaired listeners
PT Johannesen, P Pérez-González, S Kalluri, JL Blanco, ...
Trends in hearing 20, 2331216516641055, 2016
Spatial release of cognitive load measured in a dual-task paradigm in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners
J Xia, N Nooraei, S Kalluri, B Edwards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (4), 1888-1898, 2015
Predicting the effect of hearing loss and audibility on amplified speech reception in a multi-talker listening scenario
WS Woods, S Kalluri, S Pentony, N Nooraei
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (6), 4268-4278, 2013
Auditory acclimatization and hearing aids: Late auditory evoked potentials and speech recognition following unilateral and bilateral amplification
P Dawes, KJ Munro, S Kalluri, B Edwards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135 (6), 3560-3569, 2014
Mathematical models of cochlear nucleus onset neurons: I. Point neuron with many weak synaptic inputs
S Kalluri, B Delgutte
Journal of computational neuroscience 14, 71-90, 2003
Assessment of auditory spatial awareness in complex listening environments
DS Brungart, J Cohen, M Cord, D Zion, S Kalluri
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (4), 1808-1820, 2014
Perception and cortical neural coding of harmonic fusion in ferrets
S Kalluri, DA Depireux, SA Shamma
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (5), 2701-2716, 2008
Mixing of in-the-ear microphone and outside-the-ear microphone signals to enhance spatial perception
B Edwards, S Kalluri
US Patent 8,718,302, 2014
Disparity between clinical assessment and real-world performance of hearing aids: why is it so difficult to predict patient outcomes? Better predictions of outcomes would help …
M Cord, D Baskent, S Kalluri, BC Moore
The Hearing Review 14 (6), 22-25, 2007
Mathematical models of cochlear nucleus onset neurons: II. Model with dynamic spike-blocking state
S Kalluri, B Delgutte
Journal of computational neuroscience 14, 91-110, 2003
Neural encoding of temporal envelope and temporal interactions in speech
B Delgutte, BM Hammond, S Kalluri, LM Litvak, PA Cariani
Auditory Basis of Speech Perception. European Speech Communication …, 1996
Unilateral and bilateral hearing aids, spatial release from masking and auditory acclimatization
P Dawes, KJ Munro, S Kalluri, B Edwards
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (1), 596-606, 2013
Acoustic analysis of the directional information captured by five different hearing aid styles
V Durin, S Carlile, P Guillon, V Best, S Kalluri
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (2), 818-828, 2014
Method and apparatus for hearing assistance in multiple-talker settings
O Strelcyk, S Kalluri
US Patent 9,124,990, 2015
Brainstem processing following unilateral and bilateral hearing-aid amplification
P Dawes, KJ Munro, S Kalluri, B Edwards
Neuroreport 24 (6), 271-275, 2013
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Articles 1–20