Daniel Munther
Cited by
Cited by
On several conjectures from evolution of dispersal
I Averill, Y Lou, D Munther
Journal of Biological Dynamics 6 (2), 117-130, 2012
A remark on the global dynamics of competitive systems on ordered Banach spaces
KY Lam, D Munther
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (3), 1153-1159, 2016
Effect of weather on the die-off of Escherichia coli and attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium on preharvest leafy greens following irrigation with contaminated water
AM Belias, A Sbodio, P Truchado, D Weller, J Pinzon, M Skots, A Allende, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 86 (17), e00899-20, 2020
A mathematical model for pathogen cross-contamination dynamics during produce wash
D Munther, Y Luo, J Wu, FMG Magpantay, P Srinivasan
Food Microbiology 51, 101-107, 2015
Evolutionary convergence to ideal free dispersal strategies and coexistence
R Gejji, Y Lou, D Munther, J Peyton
Bulletin of mathematical biology 74, 257-299, 2012
Dynamics of a three species competition model
Y Lou, D Munther
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A 32 (9), 3099, 2012
Formation of Escherichia coli O157: H7 persister cells in the lettuce phyllosphere and application of differential equation models to predict their prevalence on lettuce plants …
DS Munther, MQ Carter, CV Aldric, R Ivanek, MT Brandl
Applied and environmental microbiology 86 (2), e01602-19, 2020
Chlorine inactivation of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in fresh produce wash process: Effectiveness and modeling
MD Abnavi, CR Kothapalli, D Munther, P Srinivasan
International Journal of Food Microbiology 356, 109364, 2021
Advancing risk assessment: mechanistic dose–response modelling of Listeria monocytogenes infection in human populations
A Rahman, D Munther, A Fazil, B Smith, J Wu
Royal Society Open Science 5 (8), 180343, 2018
Modeling of Free Chlorine Consumption and Escherichia coli O157:H7 Cross‐Contamination During Fresh‐Cut Produce Wash Cycles
MD Abnavi, A Alradaan, D Munther, CR Kothapalli, P Srinivasan
Journal of food science 84 (10), 2736-2744, 2019
Modeling cross-contamination during poultry processing: Dynamics in the chiller tank
D Munther, X Sun, Y Xiao, S Tang, H Shimozako, J Wu, BA Smith, A Fazil
Food Control 59, 271-281, 2016
Enhanced surveillance on food-borne disease outbreaks: Dynamics of cross-contamination in biocidal wash procedure
D Munther, J Wu
Journal of Theoretical Biology 321, 28-35, 2013
Weather stressors correlate with Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica persister formation rates in the phyllosphere: a mathematical modeling study
MT Brandl, R Ivanek, N Zekaj, A Belias, M Wiedmann, TV Suslow, ...
ISME communications 2 (1), 91, 2022
Hybrid extended Kalman filtering and noise statistics optimization for produce wash state estimation
V Azimi, D Munther, SA Fakoorian, TT Nguyen, D Simon
Journal of Food Engineering 212, 136-145, 2017
pH dependent C. jejuni thermal inactivation models and application to poultry scalding
Z McCarthy, B Smith, A Fazil, J Wu, SD Ryan, D Munther
Journal of Food Engineering 223, 1-9, 2018
An individual-carcass model for quantifying bacterial cross-contamination in an industrial three-stage poultry scalding tank
Z McCarthy, B Smith, A Fazil, SD Ryan, J Wu, D Munther
Journal of Food Engineering 262, 142-153, 2019
Individual based modeling and analysis of pathogen levels in poultry chilling process
Z McCarthy, B Smith, A Fazil, J Wu, SD Ryan, D Munther
Mathematical Biosciences 294, 172-180, 2017
Unraveling the dose-response puzzle of L. monocytogenes: a mechanistic approach
SMA Rahman, D Munther, A Fazil, B Smith, J Wu
Infectious Disease Modelling 1 (1), 101-114, 2016
Invading the ideal free distribution
KY Lam, D Munther
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 19 (10), 3219-3244, 2014
Towards enhanced chlorine control: Mathematical modeling for free chlorine kinetics during fresh-cut carrot, cabbage and lettuce washing
P Srinivasan, MD Abnavi, A Sulak, CR Kothapalli, D Munther
Postharvest Biology and Technology 161, 111092, 2020
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Articles 1–20