Stephan Doerfel
Stephan Doerfel
Kiel University of Applied Sciences
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Cited by
Cited by
Description-oriented community detection using exhaustive subgroup discovery
M Atzmueller, S Doerfel, F Mitzlaff
Information Sciences 329, 965-984, 2016
Enhancing Social Interactions at Conferences
M Atzmueller, D Benz, S Doerfel, A Hotho, R Jäschke, BE Macek, ...
it-Information Technology 53 (3), 101-107, 2011
Face-to-Face Contacts at a Conference: Dynamics of Communities and Roles.
M Atzmueller, S Doerfel, A Hotho, F Mitzlaff, G Stumme
MSM/MUSE, 21-39, 2011
Ubicon and its applications for ubiquitous social computing
M Atzmueller, M Becker, M Kibanov, C Scholz, S Doerfel, A Hotho, ...
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 20 (1), 53-77, 2014
Ubicon: observing physical and social activities
M Atzmueller, M Becker, S Doerfel, A Hotho, M Kibanov, BE Macek, ...
2012 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications …, 2012
Resource-aware on-line RFID localization using proximity data
C Scholz, S Doerfel, M Atzmueller, A Hotho, G Stumme
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2011
Leveraging publication metadata and social data into FolkRank for scientific publication recommendation
S Doerfel, R Jäschke, A Hotho, G Stumme
Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the …, 2012
An analysis of tag-recommender evaluation procedures
S Doerfel, R Jäschke
Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems, 343-346, 2013
What users actually do in a social tagging system: a study of user behavior in BibSonomy
S Doerfel, D Zoller, P Singer, T Niebler, A Hotho, M Strohmaier
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 10 (2), 1-32, 2016
Publication analysis of the formal concept analysis community
S Doerfel, R Jäschke, G Stumme
Formal Concept Analysis: 10th International Conference, ICFCA 2012, Leuven …, 2012
Informationelle Selbstbestimmung im Web 2.0
S Doerfel, A Hotho, A Kartal-Aydemir, A Roßnagel, G Stumme
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Informationelle Selbstbestimmung im Web 2.0
S Doerfel, A Hotho, A Kartal-Aydemir, A Roßnagel, G Stumme
Posted, visited, exported: Altmetrics in the social tagging system BibSonomy
D Zoller, S Doerfel, R Jäschke, G Stumme, A Hotho
Journal of Informetrics 10 (3), 732-749, 2016
Privatsphären-und Datenschutz in Community-Plattformen: Gestaltung von Online-Bewertungsportalen
A Kartal, S Doerfel, A Roßnagel, G Stumme
The role of cores in recommender benchmarking for social bookmarking systems
S Doerfel, R Jäschke, G Stumme
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 7 (3), 1-33, 2016
Extending FolkRank with content data
N Landia, SS Anand, A Hotho, R Jäschke, S Doerfel, F Mitzlaff
Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the …, 2012
FolkTrails: Interpreting Navigation Behavior in a Social Tagging System
T Niebler, M Becker, D Zoller, S Doerfel, A Hotho
Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and …, 2016
How social is social tagging?
S Doerfel, D Zoller, P Singer, T Niebler, A Hotho, M Strohmaier
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 251-252, 2014
Face-to-Face Contacts during a Conference: Communities, Roles, and Key Players
M Atzmueller, S Doerfel, A Hotho, F Mitzlaff, G Stumme
The Second International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social …, 2011
Enhancing social interactions at conferences. it–Information Technology, 53 (3): 101–107
M Atzmueller, D Benz, S Doerfel, A Hotho, R Jäschke, BE Macek, ...
May, 2011
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Articles 1–20