Iwori Takeda
Iwori Takeda
The University of Tokyo
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Cited by
An investigation of cell adhesion and growth on micro/nano-scale structured surface—Self-assembled micro particles as a scaffold
I Takeda, M Kawanabe, A Kaneko
Precision Engineering 43, 294-298, 2016
Autonomous patterning of cells on microstructured fine particles
I Takeda, M Kawanabe, A Kaneko
Materials Science and Engineering: C 50, 173-178, 2015
Fabrication of micro-structured scaffold using self-assembled particles and effects of surface geometries on cell adhesion
I Takeda, S Serizawa, A Kaneko
Mechanical Engineering Journal 3 (1), 15-00521-15-00521, 2016
Selective Cell-adhesion on Micro-structured Fine Particles
I Takeda, A Kaneko, Y Tanaka, N Moronuki
Key Engineering Materials 516, 130-135, 2012
Micro-patterning of Biomaterials using Self-assembled Micro-spheres
A Kaneko, I Takeda, Y Tanaka, N Moronuki, M Nishio
Proc. 6th International Conference on Micro Manufacturing, 599-603, 2011
Textured surface of self-assembled particles as a scaffold for selective cell adhesion and growth
A Kaneko, I Takeda
International Journal of Automation Technology 10 (1), 62-68, 2016
Fabrication of spatially-patterned cells using selective adhesion on pre-structured fine particles
A Kaneko, T Sugihara, H Murakami, I Takeda, Y Tanaka, N Moronuki
Key Engineering Materials 523, 615-620, 2012
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