Viktor Attila Ambrus
Viktor Attila Ambrus
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Widespread occurrence of the droplet state of proteins in the human proteome
M Hardenberg, A Horvath, V Ambrus, M Fuxreiter, M Vendruscolo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52), 33254-33262, 2020
Sequence-based prediction of protein binding mode landscapes
A Horvath, M Miskei, V Ambrus, M Vendruscolo, M Fuxreiter
PLoS computational biology 16 (5), e1007864, 2020
Cellular proteo-transcriptomic changes in the immediate early-phase of lentiviral transduction
TR Linkner, V Ambrus, B Kunkli, ZI Szojka, G Kalló, É Csősz, A Kumar, ...
Microorganisms 9 (11), 2207, 2021
Patterns of dynamics comprise a conserved evolutionary trait
F Zsolyomi, V Ambrus, M Fuxreiter
Journal of molecular biology 432 (2), 497-507, 2020
Computational analyses of the effect of novel amino acid clusters of human transglutaminase 2 on its structure and function
K Thangaraju, R Király, JA Mótyán, VA Ambrus, M Fuxreiter, L Fésüs
Amino acids 49, 605-614, 2017
Alternatively spliced exon regulates context-dependent MEF2D higher-order assembly during myogenesis
M Gönczi, JMC Teixeira, S Barrera-Vilarmau, L Mediani, F Antoniani, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1329, 2023
Cellular Proteo-Transcriptomic Changes in the Immediate Early-Phase of Lentiviral Transduction. Microorganisms. 2021; 9 (11): 2207
TR Linkner, V Ambrus, B Kunkli
Specific and fuzzy interactions cooperate in modulating protein half-life
R Sharma, M Demény, V Ambrus, SB Király, T Kurtán, P Gatti-Lafranconi, ...
Journal of molecular biology 431 (8), 1700-1707, 2019
Early suppression of antiviral host response and protocadherins by SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein in THP-1-derived macrophage-like cells
N Miltner, TR Linkner, V Ambrus, AS Al-Muffti, H Ahmad, JA Motyan, ...
Frontiers in Immunology 13, 999233, 2022
Asymmetric dynamic coupling promotes alternative evolutionary pathways in an enzyme dimer
V Ambrus, G Hoffka, M Fuxreiter
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 18866, 2020
Investigation of the role of Lip5-a member of the secreted lipase gene family-in the virulence of Candida albicans
Z Hamari
Acta Biologica Szegediensis 57 (1), 25-30, 2013
Comparative Analysis of Differential Cellular Transcriptome and Proteome Regulation by HIV-1 and HIV-2 Pseudovirions in the Early Phase of Infection
TR Linkner, V Ambrus, B Kunkli, ZI Szojka, G Kalló, É Csősz, A Kumar, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (1), 380, 2023
Cellular Proteo-Transcriptomic Changes in the Immediate Early-Phase of Lentiviral Transduction. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 2207
TR Linkner, V Ambrus, B Kunkli, ZI Szojka, G Kalló, É Csosz, A Kumar, ...
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Fehérjedinamika szerepe az enzimek evolúciójában
VA Ambrus
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Articles 1–14