Wichitra Singhirunnusorn
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Cited by
Contextual factors influencing household recycling behaviours: A case of waste bank project in Mahasarakham municipality
W Singhirunnusorn, K Donlakorn, W Kaewhanin
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 36, 688-697, 2012
Distribution and health risk assessment of heavy metals in surface dusts of Maha Sarakham municipality
J Ma, W Singhirunnusorn
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 50, 280-293, 2012
Effect of land cover composition and building configuration on land surface temperature in an urban-sprawl city, case study in Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Thailand
T Adulkongkaew, T Satapanajaru, S Charoenhirunyingyos, ...
Heliyon 6 (8), 2020
Appropriate wastewater treatment systems for developing countries: criteria and indictor assessment in Thailand
W Singhirunnusorn, MK Stenstrom
Water science and technology 59 (9), 1873-1884, 2009
Effects of green open space on social health and behaviour of urban residents: A case study of communities in Bangkok
M Khotdee, W Singhirunnusorn, N Sahachaisaeree
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 36, 449-455, 2012
Household recycling behaviours and attitudes toward waste bank project: Mahasarakham municipality
W Singhirunnusorn, K Donlakorn, W Kaewhanin
Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies 2 (5), 17-26, 2017
A critical analysis of economic factors for diverse wastewater treatment processes: case studies in Thailand
W Singhirunnusom, MK Stenstrom
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management 20 (4), 263-268, 2010
Students behavior towards energy conservation and modes of transportation: A case study in Mahasarakham University
W Singhirunnusorn, P Luesopa, J Pansee, N Sahachaisaeree
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 35, 764-771, 2012
An appropriate wastewater treatment system in developing countries: Thailand as a case study
W Singhirunnusorn
University of California, Los Angeles, 2009
dan Kaewhanin, W., 2012. Household Recycling Behaviours and Attitudes toward Waste Bank Project: Mahasarakham Municipality
W Singhirunnusorn, K Donlakorn
Journal of Asia Behavioural Studies 2 (6), 35-47, 0
Socio-economic criteria for wastewater treatment system selection: A case of municipality contextual determinants in Thailand
W Singhirunnusorn, N Sahachaisaeree, MK Stenstrom
WEFTEC 2011, 1486-1492, 2011
The impact of solid waste recycling process on the livelihood of urban informal economy: a case study in Bangkok
W Singhirunnusorn, N Sahachaisaree
Waste-The Social Context, 2008
Household Recycling Behaviours And Attitudes Toward Waste Bank Project Journal Of Asian Behavioural Studies
W Singhirunnusorn, K Donlakorn, W Kaewhanin
Volume, 2012
Multi-criteria decision analysis for wastewater technology selection in developing countries: Scenarios for decentralized systems in Thailand
W Singhirunnusorn, MK Stenstrom, N Sahachaisaeree
WEFTEC 2010, 6973-6979, 2010
Factors Determining Community Support Leading to the Success of Communal Self-Managed Wastewater Treatment System: A Case Study of Low-Income Communities in Bangkok
W Singhirunnusorn, N Sahachaisaeree, MK Stenstrom
WEFTEC 2006, 6493-6495, 2006
Spatial distribution and potentiality of Second-Generation Biofuels (SGBs): A case study of agricultural residues In Maha Sarakham Province
W Singhirunnusorn, P Wisoram, P Boonruam
The 14rd Mahasarakham University Reseach Conference, 2018
Effects of Agricultural Suburb on Urban Heat Island of Bangkok Metropolitan City, Thailand
T Adulkongkaew, T Satapanajaru, S Charoenhirunyingyos, ...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural …, 2017
Product Design Enhancing Environmental Perception and Encouraging Behavioural Change towards Sustainability
C Tunprawat, Y Rugwongwan, W Singhirunnusorn
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal 2 (5), 355-362, 2017
Campus Bicycle Route Design and Changes in Students Traveling Behavior
WSN Sahachaisaeree
Global Journal in Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences 1 (1), 51-57, 2013
Charoenhirunying yos, S., & Singhirunnusorn, W (2020). Effect of land cover composition and building configuration on land surface temperature in an urban-sprawl city, case …
T Adulkongkaew, T Satapanajaru
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Articles 1–20