Alam Baheramsyah
Alam Baheramsyah
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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Desain Sistem Pendingin Ruang Muat Kapal Ikan Tradisional Menggunakan Es Kering dengan Penambahan Campuran Silika Gel
DT Ismanto, TF Nugroho, A Baheramsyah
Jurnal Teknik ITS 2 (2), G177-G180, 2013
Desain sistem pendingin ruang muat kapal ikan tradisional dengan menggunakan campuran es kering dan cold ice yang berbahan dasar propylene glycol
MA Huda, A Baheramsyah, B Cahyono
Jurnal Teknik ITS 2 (1), G37-G40, 2013
Slurry Ice as a Cooling System on 30 GT Fishing Vessel
A Baheramsyah, B Cahyono, FS Aruan
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 1 (3), 2017
Analysis of work accident factors in the shipyard
MB Zaman, A Baheramsyah, I Ashari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 698 (1), 012016, 2021
Analysis of port-based discharge water treatment of ships, case study: terminal petikemas surabaya
TF Nugroho, A Baheramsyah, NA Trikurnia
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 3 (4), 2020
Cooling system design for cold storage of traditional Fishing Boat using insulation from Rice husk
MA Abidin, A Baheramsyah, EM Wardhana
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 3 (1), 2019
Desain Sistem Pendingin Ruang Muat Kapal Ikan Tradisional Dengan Memanfaatkan Uap Es Kering
AA Aziz, B Alam, C Beni
Jurnal teknik POMITS, Teknik Sistem Perkapalan FTK-ITS, 2012
Studi kebutuhan air tawar pada pengembangan landing shiptank (LST) 128 meter berdasarkan perilaku manusia
D Kurniawan, A Baheramsyah
Undergraduate Theses, 2011
Desain Kotak Pendingin pada Kapal Nelayan Tradisional menggunakan Insulasi Campuran Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria (L.) Nielsen) dan Jerami
PL Sihombing
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2018
Analisa Teknis Pemakaian Kombinasi Lampu Metal Halide dan Led sebagai Pemikat Ikan Pada Kapal Pukat Cincin (Purse Seine) dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Genset
SR Wibisono, A Baheramsyah
Jurnal Teknik ITS 5 (2), 2017
Pemilihan sistem rantai dingin (cold chain) daging segar yang memenuhi persyaratan halal
G Halim, ROS Gurning, A Baheramsyah
Skripsi. Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, 2013
Effect of dry ice application in fish hold of fishing boat on the fish quality and fisherman income.
S Semin, A Baheramsyah, A Amiadji, ARI Abdul Rahim Ismail
Design of reverse osmosis desalination plant at remote coastal area
SP Fitri, A Baheramsyah, A Santoso, TF Nugroho, A Iswantoro, H Ikhwani, ...
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 698 (1), 012045, 2021
Risk Assessment on Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Handling Facility, Case Study: Terminal LPG Semarang
TA Akbar, AAB Dinariyana, A Baheramsyah, FI Prastyasari, PD Setyorini
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (1), 012007, 2019
Investigation of Fuel Flow Velocity on CNG Engine using New Injector
H Prastowo, S Semin, MB Zaman, T Amiadji, A Santoso, D Priyanta, ...
Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology 4 (2), 2016
Desain Sistem Spray RSW (Refrigerated Sea Water) Untuk Ruang Palka Kapal Purse Seine 40 GT
MA Kurniawan, A Baheramsyah
Jurnal Teknik ITS 3 (1), G124-G128, 2014
Modifikasi Coolbox Dengan Insulasi Pendinginan Freon Pada Ruang Muat Kapal Ikan Tradisional
ID Putra, A Baheramsyah
Jurnal Teknik ITS 3 (1), G119-G123, 2014
Sistem Pendinginan Ruang Palka Ikan Dengan CO2 Yang Disrkulasikan
A Baheramsyah
dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tahunan IV, 1-7, 2007
Utilization of mixture of teak wood sawdust and bagasse fiber using treatment of fiber variations and alkali NaOH immersion as a refrigerator insulation material
A Baheramsyah, EM Wardhana, ATR Kisserah
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 4 (2), 2019
Analysis of Palm Fiber and Coconut Coir Usage as Purse Seine Cargo Chamber Insulator
A Baheramsyah, EM Wardhana, MA Husein
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research 3 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20