Stefanie Robinson
Stefanie Robinson
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Cited by
Choice of cause in cause-related marketing
SR Robinson, C Irmak, S Jayachandran
Journal of marketing 76 (4), 126-139, 2012
The impact of product name on dieters’ and nondieters’ food evaluations and consumption
C Irmak, B Vallen, SR Robinson
Journal of consumer research 38 (2), 390-405, 2011
The role of message specificity in corporate social responsibility communication
S Robinson, M Eilert
Journal of Business Research 90, 260-268, 2018
Message framing and individual traits in adopting innovative, sustainable products (ISPs): Evidence from biofuel adoption
S Moon, PK Bergey, LL Bove, S Robinson
Journal of Business Research 69 (9), 3553-3560, 2016
A “good” new brand—What happens when new brands try to stand out through corporate social responsibility
S Robinson, S Wood
Journal of Business Research 92, 231-241, 2018
The efficacy of green package cues for mainstream versus niche brands: How mainstream green brands can suffer at the shelf
S Wood, S Robinson, M Poor
Journal of Advertising Research 58 (2), 165-176, 2018
Would you like to round up and donate the difference? Roundup requests reduce the perceived pain of donating
K Kelting, S Robinson, RJ Lutz
Journal of Consumer Psychology 29 (1), 70-78, 2019
The impact of cause portfolio focus and contribution amount on stakeholder evaluations
M Eilert, S Robinson
Business & Society 59 (7), 1483-1514, 2020
Not-so-speedy delivery: Should retailers use discounts or donations to incentivize consumers to choose delayed delivery?
K Kelting, S Robinson, S Wood
Journal of Retailing 100 (4), 565-582, 2024
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Articles 1–9