Marko Čanađija
Marko Čanađija
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering
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Stress-driven modeling of nonlocal thermoelastic behavior of nanobeams
R Barretta, M Čanađija, R Luciano, FM de Sciarra
International Journal of Engineering Science 126, 53-67, 2018
Exact solutions of inflected functionally graded nano-beams in integral elasticity
R Barretta, M Čanadija, L Feo, R Luciano, FM de Sciarra, R Penna
Composites Part B: Engineering 142, 273-286, 2018
A closed-form model for torsion of nanobeams with an enhanced nonlocal formulation
A Apuzzo, R Barretta, M Canadija, L Feo, R Luciano, FM de Sciarra
Composites Part B: Engineering 108, 315-324, 2017
Associative coupled thermoplasticity at finite strain with temperature-dependent material parameters
M Čanađija, J Brnić
International Journal of Plasticity 20 (10), 1851-1874, 2004
Application of gradient elasticity to armchair carbon nanotubes: Size effects and constitutive parameters assessment
R Barretta, M Brčić, M Čanađija, R Luciano, FM de Sciarra
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 65, 1-13, 2017
On the thermomechanical coupling in finite strain plasticity theory with non-linear kinematic hardening by means of incremental energy minimization
M Canadija, J Mosler
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (7-8), 1120-1129, 2011
Martensitic stainless steel AISI 420—mechanical properties, creep and fracture toughness
J Brnic, G Turkalj, M Canadija, D Lanc, S Krscanski
Mechanics of time-dependent materials 15, 341-352, 2011
A gradient elasticity model of Bernoulli–Euler nanobeams in non-isothermal environments
M Čanađija, R Barretta, FM de Sciarra
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 55, 243-255, 2016
AISI 316Ti (1.4571) steel—Mechanical, creep and fracture properties versus temperature
J Brnic, G Turkalj, M Canadija, D Lanc
Journal of constructional steel research 67 (12), 1948-1952, 2011
A higher-order Eringen model for Bernoulli–Euler nanobeams
R Barretta, M Čanadija, F Marotti de Sciarra
Archive of Applied Mechanics 86, 483-495, 2016
On functionally graded Timoshenko nonisothermal nanobeams
M Čanađija, R Barretta, FM de Sciarra
Composite structures 135, 286-296, 2016
Creep behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures
J Brnic, G Turkalj, M Canadija, D Lanc
Materials Science and Engineering: A 499 (1-2), 23-27, 2009
Comparison of material properties: Steel 20MnCr5 and similar steels
J Brnic, G Turkalj, D Lanc, M Canadija, M Brcic, G Vukelic
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 95, 81-89, 2014
Analysis of experimental data on the behavior of steel S275JR–Reliability of modern design
J Brnic, G Turkalj, J Niu, M Canadija, D Lanc
Materials & Design 47, 497-504, 2013
Modified nonlocal strain gradient elasticity for nano-rods and application to carbon nanotubes
R Barretta, M Čanadija, F Marotti de Sciarra
Applied Sciences 9 (3), 514, 2019
On the thermomechanical coupling in dissipative materials: a variational approach for generalized standard materials
A Bartels, T Bartel, M Canadija, J Mosler
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 82, 218-234, 2015
Tool material behavior at elevated temperatures
J Brnic, M Canadija, G Turkalj, D Lanc, T Pepelnjak, B Barisic, G Vukelic, ...
Materials and manufacturing processes 24 (7-8), 758-762, 2009
Structural steel ASTM A709—behavior at uniaxial tests conducted at lowered and elevated temperatures, short-time creep response, and fracture toughness calculation
J Brnic, M Canadija, G Turkalj, D Lanc
Journal of engineering mechanics 136 (9), 1083-1089, 2010
Mechanical properties, short time creep, and fatigue of an austenitic steel
J Brnic, G Turkalj, M Canadija, D Lanc, S Krscanski, M Brcic, Q Li, J Niu
Materials 9 (4), 298, 2016
Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures
J Brnic, J Niu, M Canadija, G Turkalj, D Lanc
Journal of Materials Sciences and Technology 25 (02), 175, 2009
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Articles 1–20