Nilanjandev Bhaumik
Nilanjandev Bhaumik
ICTP Asia Pacific, Beijing
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Cited by
Primordial black holes dark matter from inflection point models of inflation and the effects of reheating
N Bhaumik, RK Jain
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2020 (01), 037, 2020
Doubly peaked induced stochastic gravitational wave background: testing baryogenesis from primordial black holes
N Bhaumik, A Ghoshal, M Lewicki
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (7), 1-28, 2022
Small scale induced gravitational waves from primordial black holes, a stringent lower mass bound, and the imprints of an early matter to radiation transition
N Bhaumik, RK Jain
Physical Review D 104 (2), 023531, 2021
Distinct signatures of spinning PBH domination and evaporation: doubly peaked gravitational waves, dark relics and CMB complementarity
N Bhaumik, A Ghoshal, RK Jain, M Lewicki
Journal of High Energy Physics 2023 (5), 1-35, 2023
Ultralow mass primordial black holes in the early Universe can explain the pulsar timing array signal
N Bhaumik, RK Jain, M Lewicki
Physical Review D 108 (12), 123532, 2023
Interior volume of -dimensional Schwarzschild black hole
N Bhaumik, BR Majhi
International Journal of Modern Physics A 33 (02), 1850011, 2018
Memory burden effect mimics reheating signatures on SGWB from ultra-low mass PBH domination
N Bhaumik, MR Haque, RK Jain, M Lewicki
Journal of High Energy Physics 2024 (10), 1-27, 2024
Constraining the history of reheating with the NANOGrav 15-year data
S Maity, N Bhaumik, MR Haque, D Maity, L Sriramkumar
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2025 (01), 118, 2025
Understanding large scale CMB anomalies with the generalized nonminimal derivative coupling during inflation
Y Tiwari, N Bhaumik, RK Jain
Physical Review D 107 (10), 103513, 2023
Ultra-low mass PBHs in the early universe can explain the PTA signal.(2023)
N Bhaumik, RK Jain, M Lewicki
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.07912, 0
Probing the inflationary universe and reheating with primordial black holes and induced gravitational wave background
N Bhaumik
Stochastic gravitational waves background to probe the reheating histories in the presence of primordial black holes
N Bhaumik
31st Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, 16, 2022
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Articles 1–12