Dr.SANjAY Kumar Thakral
Dr.SANjAY Kumar Thakral
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Integrated Nutrient Management Improves the Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Lens culinaris Medik.
S Kumar, SK Sharma, SK Thakral, KK Bhardwaj, MK Jhariya, RS Meena, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1284, 2022
Response of greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek] to weed control and fertilizer application under different planting systems
R Kumar, SK Thakral, S Kumar
Indian Journal of Weed Science 36 (1and2), 131-132, 2004
Evaluation of frontline demonstration on chickpea in north-western region of Haryana
SK Thakral, P Bhatnagar
Agricultural Science Digest 22 (3), 217-218, 2002
Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat
T Fazily, SK Thakral, AK Dhaka
International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology 8 …, 2021
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus levels on growth, yield attributes and yield of Bt cotton
R Sandeep, AK Mehta, SK Thakral, K Mahesh
J. Cotton Res. Dev 29 (1), 76-78, 2015
Effect of defoliant on upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum).
SK Thakral, LK Bishnoi, SS Surinder Singh
Evaluation of wheat genotypes for terminal heat tolerance by simple physiological traits
A Kumar, Y Bali, KD Sharma, SK Thakral
Indian J Plant Physiol 13 (1), 39-43, 2008
Effect of phosphorus on the performance of greengram (Vigna radiata L) varieties during summer
V Singh, SK Sharma, SK Thakral, MK Sharma
Legume Research-An International Journal 42 (2), 247-249, 2019
Effect of organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilizers on quality of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
S Chavarekar, SK Thakral, RK Meena
Annals of Agricultural Research 34 (2), 2014
Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrition on yield and fibre quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum).
AK Mehta, SK Thakral, HS Saharan
Effect of irrigation and weed management on lentil (Lens culinaris medic. l.) under different planting techniques
R Kumar, S Kumar, SK Thakral
Indian Society of Weed Science 42 (1and2), 56-59, 2010
Effect of different organic and inorganic fertilizer levels on yield and yield attributes of wheat
SK Thakaral, US Kadian, S Kumar
Haryana, J. Agron 19 (1), 60-62, 2003
Effect of irrigation and fertility levels on the oil yield and quality of Brassica species.
SK Thakral, BP Singh, AS Faroda, SK Gupta
Fatty acids composition in seeds of Brassica species as affected by moisture and fertility levels.
SK Thakral, BP Singh, AS Faroda, SK Gupta, SK Satish Kumar
Grain yield of wheat as affected by different tillage practices varieties and weed control methods
A Ahmed, SK Thakral, A Yadav, RS Balyan
National Symposium on Integrated Weed Management in the Era of Climate …, 2010
Consumptive use, water-use efficiency and soil moisture extraction pattern as influenced by irrigation levels, fertility levels and Brassica species.
SK Thakral, BP Singh, AS Faroda
Changes in phenolic compounds and sugars in relation to white rust of Indian mustard.
K Dhawan, TP Yadava, CD Kaushik, SK Thakral
Performance of Bt cotton hybrids at farmers' field in Haryana.
AK Mehta, HS Saharan, SK Thakral, JB Jagdish Beniwal
Nutrient content and their uptake in wheat as affected by vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers
S Singh, AK Mehta, SK Thakral
Haryana J Agron 23, 106-108, 2007
Assessment of yield and profitability of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) with foliar fertilization under rainfed condition
SK Sharma, SK Thakral
Indian Journal of Agronomy 68 (3), 300-304, 2023
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Articles 1–20