Le Su
Le Su
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Cited by
BIFF: A blockchain-based IoT forensics framework with identity privacy
DP Le, H Meng, L Su, SL Yeo, V Thing
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE region 10 conference, 2372-2377, 2018
Anomaly detection and attribution in networks with temporally correlated traffic
I Nevat, DM Divakaran, SG Nagarajan, P Zhang, L Su, LL Ko, VLL Thing
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (1), 131-144, 2017
Achieving privacy-preserving and verifiable data sharing in vehicular fog with blockchain
Q Kong, L Su, M Ma
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (8), 4889-4898, 2020
Slic: Self-learning intelligent classifier for network traffic
DM Divakaran, L Su, YS Liau, VLL Thing
Computer Networks 91, 283-297, 2015
HEDA: Multi-Attribute Unbounded Aggregation over Homomorphically Encrypted Database
X Ren, L Su, Z Gu, S Wang, F Li, Y Xie, S Bian, C Li, F Zhang
VLDB 2022, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 16 (4), 601-614, 2023
Operon: An Encrypted Database for Ownership-Preserving Data Management
S Wang, Y Li, H Li, F Li, C Tian, L Su, Y Zhang, Y Ma, L Yan, Y Sun, ...
VLDB 2022, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15 (12), 3332-3345, 2022
Revocable IBE systems with almost constant-size key update
L Su, HW Lim, S Ling, H Wang
Pairing-Based Cryptography–Pairing 2013: 6th International Conference …, 2014
Automated botnet traffic detection via machine learning
FK Wai, Z Lilei, WK Wai, S Le, VLL Thing
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 0038-0043, 2018
Spatial encryption supporting non-monotone access structure
J Chen, HW Lim, S Ling, L Su, H Wang
Designs, codes and cryptography 73, 731-746, 2014
Privacy preserving IP traceback
L Su, DM Divakaran, V Thing
2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Identity, Security, and Behavior …, 2018
Anonymous and adaptively secure revocable IBE with constant size public parameters
J Chen, HW Lim, S Ling, L Su, H Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.6441, 2012
REX: Resilient and efficient data structure for tracking network flows
DM Divakaran, LL Ko, L Su, VLL Thing
Computer Networks 118, 37-53, 2017
Privacy preserving ip traceback using group signature
L Su, DM Divakaran, VLL Thing
US Patent App. 16/768,393, 2020
Tracing traffic in the internet
L Su, DM Divakaran, VLL Thing
US Patent 11,588,833, 2023
Securing Intelligent Transportation System: A Blockchain-Based Approach with Attack Mitigation
L Su, Y Cheng, H Meng, V Thing, Z Wang, L Kong, L Cheng
Smart Blockchain: Second International Conference, SmartBlock 2019 …, 2019
IoT Security Function Distribution via DLT
L Su, DM Divakaran, SL Yeo, J Lu, V Thing
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Articles 1–16