Xin Chen
Xin Chen
Senior Research Fellow, Cranfield University
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3D transient multiphase model for keyhole, vapor plume, and weld pool dynamics in laser welding including the ambient pressure effect
S Pang, X Chen, J Zhou, X Shao, C Wang
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 74, 47-58, 2015
Dynamics of vapor plume in transient keyhole during laser welding of stainless steel: Local evaporation, plume swing and gas entrapment into porosity
S Pang, X Chen, X Shao, S Gong, J Xiao
Optics and lasers in Engineering 82, 28-40, 2016
Metal transfer in wire feeding-based electron beam 3D printing: Modes, dynamics, and transition criterion
R Hu, X Chen, G Yang, S Gong, S Pang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126, 877-887, 2018
Efficient multiple time scale method for modeling compressible vapor plume dynamics inside transient keyhole during fiber laser welding
S Pang, X Chen, W Li, X Shao, S Gong
Optics & Laser Technology 77, 203-214, 2016
Effect of rolling force on tensile properties of additively manufactured Inconel 718 at ambient and elevated temperatures
T Zhang, H Li, H Gong, Y Wu, AS Ahmad, X Chen
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 884, 161050, 2021
A three-dimensional model of coupling dynamics of keyhole and weld pool during electron beam welding
B Huang, X Chen, S Pang, R Hu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 159-173, 2017
Laser cooling arc plasma effect in laser-arc hybrid welding of 316L stainless steel
Z Mu, X Chen, Z Zheng, A Huang, S Pang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132, 861-870, 2019
Three-dimensional transient thermoelectric currents in deep penetration laser welding of austenite stainless steel
X Chen, S Pang, X Shao, C Wang, J Xiao, P Jiang
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 91, 196-205, 2017
A three-dimensional wire-feeding model for heat and metal transfer, fluid flow, and bead shape in wire plasma arc additive manufacturing
X Chen, C Wang, J Ding, P Bridgeman, S Williams
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 83, 300-312, 2022
Dynamic characteristics and mechanisms of compressible metallic vapor plume behaviors in transient keyhole during deep penetration fiber laser welding
S Pang, X Shao, W Li, X Chen, S Gong
Applied Physics A 122, 1-18, 2016
Study on location-related thermal cycles and microstructure variation of additively manufactured inconel 718
T Zhang, H Li, H Gong, Y Wu, X Chen, X Zhang
journal of materials research and technology 18, 3056-3072, 2022
Thermo-electromagnetic effect on weld microstructure in magnetically assisted laser welding of austenite steel
X Chen, M Luo, R Hu, R Li, L Liang, S Pang
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 41, 111-118, 2019
A unified model for coupling mesoscopic dynamics of keyhole, metal vapor, arc plasma, and weld pool in laser-arc hybrid welding
X Chen, Z Mu, R Hu, L Liang, AB Murphy, S Pang
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 41, 119-134, 2019
Modeling fluid dynamics of vapor plume in transient keyhole during vacuum electron beam welding
J Wang, R Hu, X Chen, S Pang
Vacuum 157, 277-290, 2018
Sub-microsecond vapor plume dynamics under different keyhole penetration regimes in deep penetration laser welding
X Chen, S Pang, X Shao, C Wang, X Zhang, P Jiang, J Xiao
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (20), 205601, 2017
Influence of low-pulsed frequency on arc profile and weld formation characteristics in double-pulsed VPTIG welding of aluminium alloys
Y Wang, B Cong, B Qi, X Chen, Y Yin, S Lin
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 58, 1211-1220, 2020
Effect of shielding conditions on bead profile and melting behaviour in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
A Caballero, W Suder, X Chen, G Pardal, S Williams
Additive Manufacturing 34, 101342, 2020
Laser induced arc dynamics destabilization in laser-arc hybrid welding
Z Mu, X Chen, R Hu, S Lin, S Pang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (7), 075202, 2019
A simplified modelling approach for thermal behaviour analysis in hybrid plasma arc-laser additive manufacturing
C Wang, Y Sun, G Chen, X Chen, J Ding, W Suder, C Diao, S Williams
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 195, 123157, 2022
Localized boiling-induced spatters in the high-power laser welding of stainless steel: three-dimensional visualization and physical understanding
T Liu, R Hu, X Chen, S Gong, S Pang
Applied Physics A 124, 1-14, 2018
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Articles 1–20