Rajesh Sharma
Cited by
Cited by
Measuring objective and subjective well-being: dimensions and data sources
V Voukelatou, L Gabrielli, I Miliou, S Cresci, R Sharma, M Tesconi, ...
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 11, 279-309, 2021
Spreading processes in multilayer networks
M Salehi, R Sharma, M Marzolla, M Magnani, P Siyari, D Montesi
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2 (2), 65-83, 2015
Supernova: Super-peers based architecture for decentralized online social networks
R Sharma, A Datta
2012 fourth international conference on communication systems and networks …, 2012
Human migration: the big data perspective
A Sîrbu, G Andrienko, N Andrienko, C Boldrini, M Conti, F Giannotti, ...
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 11, 341-360, 2021
DEAP-FAKED: Knowledge graph based approach for fake news detection
M Mayank, S Sharma, R Sharma
2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2022
An empirical study of availability in friend-to-friend storage systems
R Sharma, A Datta, MD Amico, P Michiardi
Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 348-351, 2011
Mobility-based SIR model for complex networks: with case study Of COVID-19
R Goel, L Bonnetain, R Sharma, A Furno
Social Network Analysis and Mining 11, 1-18, 2021
Social-aware hybrid mobile offloading
H Flores, R Sharma, D Ferreira, V Kostakos, J Manner, S Tarkoma, P Hui, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 36, 25-43, 2017
Social-aware hybrid mobile offloading
H Flores, R Sharma, D Ferreira, V Kostakos, J Manner, S Tarkoma, P Hui, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 36, 25-43, 2017
Godisco: selective gossip based dissemination of information in social community based overlays
A Datta, R Sharma
Distributed Computing and Networking: 12th International Conference, ICDCN …, 2011
Game-on: Graph attention network based multimodal fusion for fake news detection
M Dhawan, S Sharma, A Kadam, R Sharma, P Kumaraguru
Social Network Analysis and Mining 14 (1), 114, 2024
Identifying possible rumor spreaders on twitter: A weak supervised learning approach
S Sharma, R Sharma
2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2021
A blockchain-based secured and trusted framework for information propagation on online social networks
RS Md Arquam, Anurag Singh
Social Network Analysis and Mining 11 (49), 2021
What goes on inside rumour and non-rumour tweets and their reactions: A psycholinguistic analyses
S Butt, S Sharma, R Sharma, G Sidorov, A Gelbukh
Computers in Human Behavior 135, 107345, 2022
Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Primary and Metastatic Cancers Using Tissue of Origin-Based DNA Methylation Profiles
V Modhukur, S Sharma, M Mondal, A Lawarde, K Kask, R Sharma, ...
Cancers 13 (15), 3768, 2021
Studying leaders & their concerns using online social media during the times of crisis-A COVID case study
R Goel, R Sharma
Social network analysis and mining 11, 1-12, 2021
Profile resolution across multilayer networks through smartphone camera fingerprint
F Bertini, R Sharma, A Iannì, D Montesi
Proceedings of the 19th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2015
A large scale study to understand the relation between twitter and financial market
L Cazzoli, R Sharma, M Treccani, F Lillo
2016 third European network intelligence conference (ENIC), 98-105, 2016
A Graph-Based Framework for Real-Time Vulnerability Assessment of Road Networks
A Furno, NE El Faouzi, R Sharma, V Cammarota, E Zimeo
2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 234-241, 2018
A Transformer Based Approach for Abuse Detection in Code Mixed Indic Languages.
V Bansal, M Tyagi, R Sharma, V Gupta, Q Xin
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2022
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Articles 1–20