Kaveenga Rasika Koswattage
Kaveenga Rasika Koswattage
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Review on applications of synchrotron-based X-ray techniques in materials characterization
KK Pooria Sedigh Rahimabadi, Mehdi Khodaei
X-Ray Spectrometry, 2020
Biopolymer-based nanohydroxyapatite composites for the removal of fluoride, lead, cadmium, and arsenic from water
MS Fernando, A Wimalasiri, K Dziemidowicz, GR Williams, ...
ACS omega 6 (12), 8517-8530, 2021
Full picture of valence band structure of rubrene single crystals probed by angle-resolved and excitation-energy-dependent photoelectron spectroscopy
Y Nakayama, Y Uragami, S Machida, KR Koswattage, D Yoshimura, ...
Applied physics express 5 (11), 111601, 2012
Overlapping of Frontier Orbitals in Well-Defined Dinaphtho[2,3-b:2′,3′-f]thieno[3,2-b]-thiophene and Picene Monolayers
Y Hasegawa, Y Yamada, T Hosokai, KR Koswattage, M Yano, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (38), 21536-21542, 2016
Determination of the highest occupied molecular orbital energy of pentacene single crystals by ultraviolet photoelectron and photoelectron yield spectroscopies
Y Nakayama, Y Uragami, M Yamamoto, S Machida, H Kinjo, K Mase, ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53 (1S), 01AD03, 2013
Selective adsorption of atomic hydrogen on a h-BN thin film
KR Koswattage, I Shimoyama, Y Baba, T Sekiguchi, K Nakagawa
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (1), 2011
Photoabsorption cross section of C60 thin films from the visible to vacuum ultraviolet
H Yagi, K Nakajima, KR Koswattage, K Nakagawa, C Huang, ...
Carbon 47 (4), 1152-1157, 2009
Influence of intermolecular interactions on the formation of spontaneous orientation polarization in organic semiconducting films
Y Noguchi, K Osada, K Ninomiya, HDCN Gunawardana, KR Koswattage, ...
Journal of the Society for Information Display 29 (1), 29-37, 2021
Electronic structures of a well-defined organic hetero-interface: C60 on pentacene single crystal
M Yamamoto, Y Nakayama, Y Uragami, H Kinjo, Y Mizuno, K Mase, ...
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 13, 59-64, 2015
A review on the optimization of the mechanical properties of sugarcane-bagasse-ash-integrated concretes
N Prabhath, BS Kumara, V Vithanage, AI Samarathunga, N Sewwandi, ...
Journal of Composites Science 6 (10), 283, 2022
Enhancement of the molecular orientation of TPBi in coevaporated films of UGH-2 host molecules
YN H Gunawardana, K Osada, KR Koswattage
Surface and Interface Analysis, 2021
Density of states evaluation of an insulating polymer by high-sensitivity ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy
T Sato, KR Koswattage, Y Nakayama, H Ishii
Applied Physics Letters 110 (11), 2017
Structure–activity relationship of lanthanide-incorporated nano-hydroxyapatite for the adsorption of fluoride and lead
AKDVK Wimalasiri, MS Fernando, K Dziemidowicz, GR Williams, ...
ACS omega 6 (21), 13527-13543, 2021
Study on selective adsorption of deuterium on boron nitride using photon-stimulated ion-desorption
KR Koswattage, I Shimoyama, Y Baba, T Sekiguchi, K Nakagawa
Applied surface science 258 (4), 1561-1564, 2011
Significant reduction in the hole-injection barrier by the charge-transfer state formation: Diindenoperylene contacted with silver and copper electrodes
T Hosokai, K Yonezawa, JP Yang, KR Koswattage, S Kera
Organic Electronics 49, 39-44, 2017
Enhanced wide spectrum photocatalytic activity by in-situ magnetite-graphite nanoplatelets heterostructure
SAL Sameera, NP Edirisinghe, YY Kannangara, S Karunarathne, ...
IEEE Access 11, 68912-68924, 2023
Investigation of pozzolanic properties of sugarcane bagasse ash for commercial applications
N Prabhath, BS Kumara, V Vithanage, AI Samarathunga, N Sewwandi, ...
ACS omega 8 (13), 12052-12061, 2023
Iot Based Energy Efficient Smart Classroom
SAIP Diddeniya, HDCN Gunawardana, K Maduwantha, KR Koswattage, ...
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS) 6 (12 …, 2020
Photoemission investigation of interaction between L‐cysteine and silver surface
K.R. Koswattage
Surface and Interface Analysis, 2020
Photoabsorption cross section of C70 thin films from visible to vacuum ultraviolet
H Yagi, K Nakajima, KR Koswattage, K Nakagawa, H Katayanagi, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (23), 2009
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Articles 1–20