Amelia Hoover Green
Amelia Hoover Green
Most recently: Staff Data Scientist, Code for America
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Cited by
Wartime sexual violence: Misconceptions, implications, and ways forward
DK Cohen, A Hoover Green, EJ Wood
United States Institute of Peace, 2013
The commander’s dilemma: Creating and controlling armed group violence
A Hoover Green
Journal of Peace Research 53 (5), 619-632, 2016
The Commander's Dilemma: Violence and Restraint in Wartime
A Hoover Green
Cornell University Press, 2018
Dueling incentives: Sexual violence in Liberia and the politics of human rights advocacy
DK Cohen, A Hoover Green
Journal of Peace Research 49 (3), 445-458, 2012
Armed group institutions and combatant socialization: Evidence from El Salvador
A Hoover Green
Journal of Peace Research 54 (5), 687-700, 2017
Repertoires of violence against noncombatants: The role of armed group institutions and ideology [PhD Thesis]
A Hoover Green
New Haven: Yale University, Department of Political Science, 2011
Centering human subjects: The ethics of “desk research” on political violence
A Hoover Green, DK Cohen
Journal of Global Security Studies 6 (2), ogaa029, 2021
Using quantitative data to assess conflict-related sexual violence in Colombia: Challenges and opportunities
F Roth, T Guberek, A Hoover Green
Bogotá, Colombia: Corporación Punto de Vista; Palo Alto, CA: Human Rights …, 2011
Civilian killings and disappearances during civil war in El Salvador (1980–1992)
AH Green, P Ball
Demographic Research 41, 781-814, 2019
Rape reporting during war
A Peterman, DK Cohen, T Palermo, A Hoover Green
Foreign Affairs 1, 2011
Peacekeeping prevention: strengthening efforts to preempt conflict-related sexual violence
L Olsson, A Muvumba Sellström, S Moncrief, EJ Wood, K Johansson, ...
International Peacekeeping 27 (4), 517-585, 2020
Descriptive Statistics from Statements to the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission
K Cibelli, A Hoover, J Krüger
Benetech Human Rights Program for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of …, 2009
It doesn’t add up. Methodological and policy implications of conflicting casualty data
J Krüger, P Ball, M Price, A Hoover Green
Counting Civilian Casualties: An Introduction to Recording and Estimating …, 2013
Wartime sexual violence is not just a “weapon of war.”
KF Crawford, AH Green, SE Parkinson
Retrieved January 31, 2017, 2014
Missing people in Casanare
D Guzmán, T Guberek, A Hoover, P Ball
The Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG). Consultado el 27, 2007
Ignoring the evidence at the End Sexual Violence in Conflict summit
A Hoover Green
Women Under Siege Blog, 2014
Disaggregating ‘Violence’During Armed Conflict: Why and How
A Hoover
Unpublished manuscript, Yale University, 2006
Assessing claims of declining lethal violence in Colombia
P Ball, T Guberek, D Guzmán, A Hoover, M Lynch
Benetech Human Rights Program, 2008
“Mind the Gap”: Measuring and Understanding Gendered Conflict Experiences
A Hoover Green
Is Wartime Rape Declining on a Global Scale? We Don’t Know—and It Doesn’t Matter
AH Green, DK Cohen, EJ Wood
Political Violence at a Glance (blog). November 1, 2012
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Articles 1–20