Wenxiang Xu
Cited by
Cited by
Random aggregate model for mesoscopic structures and mechanical analysis of fully-graded concrete
H Ma, W Xu, Y Li
Computers & Structures 177, 103-113, 2016
Aggregate shape effect on the diffusivity of mortar: A 3D numerical investigation by random packing models of ellipsoidal particles and of convex polyhedral particles
L Liu, D Shen, H Chen, W Xu
Computers & structures 144, 40-51, 2014
Characterizing the creep of viscoelastic materials by fractal derivative models
W Cai, W Chen, W Xu
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 87, 58-63, 2016
A general micromechanical framework of effective moduli for the design of nonspherical nano-and micro-particle reinforced composites with interface properties
W Xu, F Wu, Y Jiao, M Liu
Materials & Design 127, 162-172, 2017
Theoretical framework for percolation threshold, tortuosity and transport properties of porous materials containing 3D non-spherical pores
W Xu, Y Jiao
International Journal of Engineering Science 134, 31-46, 2019
An overlapping detection algorithm for random sequential packing of elliptical particles
WX Xu, HS Chen, Z Lv
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (13), 2452-2467, 2011
Numerical investigation of effect of particle shape and particle size distribution on fresh cement paste microstructure via random sequential packing of dodecahedral cement …
WX Xu, HS Chen
Computers & Structures 114, 35-45, 2013
Effects of particle size distribution, shape and volume fraction of aggregates on the wall effect of concrete via random sequential packing of polydispersed ellipsoidal particles
WX Xu, Z Lv, HS Chen
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (3), 416-426, 2013
Analytical effective elastic properties of particulate composites with soft interfaces around anisotropic particles
W Xu, H Ma, S Ji, H Chen
Composites Science and Technology 129, 10-18, 2016
Effective elastic moduli of nonspherical particle-reinforced composites with inhomogeneous interphase considering graded evolutions of elastic modulus and porosity
W Xu, Y Wu, X Gou
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 350, 535-553, 2019
Microstructure and mechanical properties of hyperuniform heterogeneous materials
Y Xu, S Chen, PE Chen, W Xu, Y Jiao
Physical Review E 96 (4), 043301, 2017
Random non-convex particle model for the fraction of interfacial transition zones (ITZs) in fully-graded concrete
W Xu, Z Han, L Tao, Q Ding, H Ma
Powder Technology 323, 301-309, 2018
Thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of 3D porous/fractured media considering percolation
W Xu, Y Zhang, J Jiang, Z Liu, Y Jiao
International Journal of Engineering Science 161, 103456, 2021
Continuum percolation of congruent overlapping spherocylinders
W Xu, X Su, Y Jiao
Physical Review E 94 (3), 032122, 2016
Thermal conductivity and tortuosity of porous composites considering percolation of porous network: From spherical to polyhedral pores
W Xu, M Jia, Z Gong
Composites Science and Technology 167, 134-140, 2018
Disordered hyperuniformity in two-dimensional amorphous silica
Y Zheng, L Liu, H Nan, ZX Shen, G Zhang, D Chen, L He, W Xu, M Chen, ...
Science Advances 6 (16), eaba0826, 2020
Parking simulation of three-dimensional multi-sized star-shaped particles
Zhigang Zhu, Huisu Chen, Wenxiang Xu
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22 (3), 035008 …, 2014
Elastic properties of particle-reinforced composites containing nonspherical particles of high packing density and interphase: DEM–FEM simulation and micromechanical theory
W Xu, B Xu, F Guo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 326, 122-143, 2017
Mesostructural characterization of particulate composites via a contact detection algorithm of ellipsoidal particles
W Xu, H Chen
Powder technology 221, 296-305, 2012
A 2D elliptical model of random packing for aggregates in concrete
W Xu
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 25 (4), 717-720, 2010
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Articles 1–20