Dao H. Vu
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Cited by
A Variance Inflation Factor and Backward Elimination based Robust Regression Model for Forecasting Monthly Electricity Demand using Climatic Variables
APA D.H. Vu, K.M. Muttaqi
Applied Energy 140, 385–394, 2015
An integrated energy management approach for the economic operation of industrial microgrids under uncertainty of renewable energy
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, D Sutanto
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (2), 1062-1073, 2020
Short-term electricity demand forecasting using autoregressive based time varying model incorporating representative data adjustment
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar, A Bouzerdoum
Applied Energy 205, 790-801, 2017
Customer reward‐based demand response program to improve demand elasticity and minimise financial risk during price spikes
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar, A Bouzerdoum
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (15), 3764-3771, 2018
Load forecasting under changing climatic conditions for the city of Sydney, Australia
T Ahmed, DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar
Energy 142, 911-919, 2018
Short-term forecasting of electricity spot prices containing random spikes using a time-varying autoregressive model combined with kernel regression
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar, A Bouzerdoum
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (9), 5378-5388, 2019
Short-term load forecasting using regression based moving windows with adjustable window-sizes
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar
2014 IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting, 1-8, 2014
Assessing the influence of climatic variables on electricity demand
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
Combinatorial approach using wavelet analysis and artificial neural network for short-term load forecasting
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar
2014 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2014
Recurring multi-layer moving window approach to forecast day-ahead and week-ahead load demand considering weather conditions
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar, A Zahedmanesh, A Bouzerdoum
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 10 (6), 1552-1562, 2021
Intra-hour and hourly demand forecasting using selective order autoregressive model
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar, A Bouzerdoum
2016 IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), 1-6, 2016
A multi-feature based approach incorporating variable thresholds for detecting price spikes in the national electricity market of australia
DH Vu, KM Muttaqi, AP Agalgaonkar, A Bouzerdoum
IEEE Access 9, 13960-13969, 2021
Leakage current analysis for predicting flashover in distribution network
TP Hong, DN Trong, DV Hoang
2009 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 462-465, 2009
Hydraulic resistance exerted on dense nonaqueous phase liquid droplets moving through saturated porous media.
DH Vu, K Sato, S Imamura
Forecasting Electricity Demand and Price Spike for Improving Electricity Market Operation
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Articles 1–15