Akira Ukawa
Akira Ukawa
Center for World Premier International Research Center Initiative
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flavor lattice QCD toward the physical point
S Aoki, KI Ishikawa, N Ishizuka, T Izubuchi, D Kadoh, K Kanaya, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (3), 034503, 2009
Jet calculus: a simple algorithm for resolving QCD jets
K Konishi, A Ukawa, G Veneziano
Nuclear Physics B 157 (1), 45-107, 1979
End point of the hot electroweak phase transition
F Csikor, Z Fodor, J Heitger
Physical Review Letters 82 (1), 21, 1999
Light hadron spectroscopy with two flavors of dynamical quarks on the lattice
AA Khan, S Aoki, G Boyd, R Burkhalter, S Ejiri, M Fukugita, S Hashimoto, ...
Physical Review D 65 (5), 054505, 2002
Quenched light hadron spectrum
S Aoki, G Boyd, R Burkhalter, S Ejiri, M Fukugita, S Hashimoto, Y Iwasaki, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (2), 238, 2000
Hadron scattering lengths in lattice QCD
M Fukugita, Y Kuramashi, M Okawa, H Mino, A Ukawa
Physical Review D 52 (5), 3003, 1995
A simple algorithm for QCD jets
K Konishi, A Ukawa, G Veneziano
Physics Letters B 78 (2-3), 243-248, 1978
Phase structure and critical temperature of two-flavor QCD with a renormalization group improved gauge action and clover improved Wilson quark action
AA Khan, S Aoki, R Burkhalter, S Ejiri, M Fukugita, S Hashimoto, ...
Physical review D 63 (3), 034502, 2000
Light hadron spectroscopy with two flavors of O(a)-improved dynamical quarks
S Aoki, R Burkhalter, M Fukugita, S Hashimoto, KI Ishikawa, N Ishizuka, ...
Physical review D 68 (5), 054502, 2003
Equation of state in finite-temperature QCD with two flavors of improved Wilson quarks
AA Khan, S Aoki, R Burkhalter, S Ejiri, M Fukugita, S Hashimoto, ...
Physical review D 64 (7), 074510, 2001
Dual variables for lattice gauge theories and the phase structure of Z (N) systems
A Ukawa, P Windey, AH Guth
Physical Review D 21 (4), 1013, 1980
Lattice QCD calculation of the meson decay width
S Aoki, M Fukugita, KI Ishikawa, N Ishizuka, K Kanaya, Y Kuramashi, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (9), 094506, 2007
Physical point simulation in flavor lattice QCD
S Aoki, KI Ishikawa, N Ishizuka, T Izubuchi, D Kadoh, K Kanaya, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (7), 074503, 2010
Light hadron spectrum and quark masses from quenched lattice QCD
S Aoki, G Boyd, R Burkhalter, S Ejiri, M Fukugita, S Hashimoto, Y Iwasaki, ...
Physical Review D 67 (3), 034503, 2003
Equation of state for pure SU (3) gauge theory with renormalization group improved action
M Okamoto, AA Khan, S Aoki, R Burkhalter, S Ejiri, M Fukugita, ...
Physical Review D 60 (9), 094510, 1999
Helium nuclei, deuteron, and dineutron in 2<? format?>+<? format?> 1 flavor lattice QCD
T Yamazaki, K Ishikawa, Y Kuramashi, A Ukawa
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (7), 074514, 2012
The end point of the first-order phase transition of the SU (2) gauge-Higgs model on a 4-dimensional isotropic lattice
Y Aoki, F Csikor, Z Fodor, A Ukawa
Physical Review D 60 (1), 013001, 1999
Finite-size scaling study of the deconfining phase transition in pure SU (3) lattice gauge theory
M Fukugita, M Okawa, A Ukawa
Nuclear Physics B 337 (1), 181-232, 1990
Deconfining and chiral phase transitions in quantum chromodynamics at finite temperature
T Banks, A Ukawa
Nuclear Physics B 225 (1), 145-155, 1983
Dynamical quark effects on light quark masses
AA Khan, S Aoki, G Boyd, R Burkhalter, S Ejiri, M Fukugita, S Hashimoto, ...
Physical review letters 85 (22), 4674, 2000
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Articles 1–20