Alexandros Konstantinou
Alexandros Konstantinou
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First bedrock samples dredged from submarine outcrops in the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Ocean
K Brumley, EL Miller, A Konstantinou, M Grove, KE Meisling, LA Mayer
Geosphere 11 (1), 76-92, 2015
Multistage Cenozoic extension of the Albion–Raft River–Grouse Creek metamorphic core complex: Geochronologic and stratigraphic constraints
A Konstantinou, A Strickland, EL Miller, JP Wooden
Geosphere 8 (6), 1429-1466, 2012
Detrital zircon provenance of Permo-Carboniferous glacial diamictites across Gondwana
JP Craddock, RW Ojakangas, DH Malone, A Konstantinou, A Mory, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 192, 285-316, 2019
Detrital zircon provenance of the Mesoproterozoic Midcontinent Rift, Lake Superior region, USA
JP Craddock, A Konstantinou, JD Vervoort, KR Wirth, C Davidson, ...
The Journal of Geology 121 (1), 57-73, 2013
Paleozoic reactivation structures in the Appalachian-Ouachita-Marathon foreland: Far-field deformation across Pangea
JP Craddock, DH Malone, R Porter, J Compton, J Luczaj, A Konstantinou, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 169, 1-34, 2017
Provenance of quartz arenites of the early Paleozoic midcontinent region, USA
A Konstantinou, KR Wirth, JD Vervoort, DH Malone, C Davidson, ...
The Journal of Geology 122 (2), 201-216, 2014
Detrital zircon geochronology and provenance of the Paleoproterozoic Huron (∼ 2.4–2.2 Ga) and Animikie (∼ 2.2–1.8 Ga) basins, southern Superior Province
JP Craddock, RH Rainbird, WJ Davis, C Davidson, JD Vervoort, ...
The Journal of Geology 121 (6), 623-644, 2013
Cenozoic paleogeographic evolution of the Elko Basin and surrounding region, northeast Nevada
JE Lund Snee, EL Miller, M Grove, JK Hourigan, A Konstantinou
Geosphere 12 (2), 464-500, 2016
Synextensional magmatism leading to crustal flow in the Albion–Raft River–Grouse Creek metamorphic core complex, northeastern Basin and Range
A Konstantinou, A Strickland, E Miller, J Vervoort, CM Fisher, J Wooden, ...
Tectonics 32 (5), 1384-1403, 2013
Precise U-Pb zircon ages and geochemistry of Jurassic granites, Ellsworth-Whitmore terrane, central Antarctica
JP Craddock, MD Schmitz, JL Crowley, J Larocque, RJ Pankhurst, N Juda, ...
Bulletin 129 (1-2), 118-136, 2017
Detrital zircon provenance of upper Cambrian-Permian strata and tectonic evolution of the Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica
JP Craddock, P Fitzgerald, A Konstantinou, A Nereson, RJ Thomas
Gondwana Research 45, 191-207, 2017
Detrital zircon geochronology of the Bighorn Dolomite, Wyoming, USA: Evidence for Trans-Hudson dust deposition on the western Laurentian carbonate platform
DH Malone, JP Craddock, A Konstantinou, PI McLaughlin, KM McGillivray
The Journal of Geology 125 (2), 261-269, 2017
Calcite twinning strain variations across the Proterozoic Grenville orogen and Keweenaw-Kapuskasing inverted foreland, USA and Canada
JP Craddock, SD Craddock, A Konstantinou, ARC Kylander-Clark, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 8 (6), 1357-1384, 2017
Evidence for a long‐lived accommodation/transfer zone beneath the Snake River Plain: A possible influence on Neogene magmatism?
A Konstantinou, E Miller
Tectonics 34 (12), 2387-2398, 2015
U-Pb isotopic dating of Troodos plagiogranite, Cyprus by LA-ICP-MS
A Konstantinou, KR Wirth, J Vervoort
Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 28, p31, 2007
Provenance of early Paleozoic quartz arenites, Midcontinent, USA
A Konstantinou, K Wirth, JP Craddock, DH Malone, JD Vervoort, ...
J. Geol 122, 201-216, 2014
Geochemistry and geochronology of the Jim Sage volcanic suite, southern Idaho: Implications for Snake River Plain magmatism and its role in the history of Basin and Range extension
A Konstantinou, J Valley, A Strickland, EL Miller, C Fisher, J Vervoort, ...
Geosphere 9 (6), 1681-1703, 2013
New age and lake chemistry constraints on the Aptian pre-salt carbonates of the central South Atlantic
M Lawson, J Sitgreaves, T Rasbury, K Wooton, W Esch, V Marcon, ...
Bulletin 135 (3-4), 595-607, 2023
Calcite twinning strains associated with Laramide uplifts, Wyoming Province
JP Craddock, DH Malone, A Konstantinou, J Spruell, R Porter
Comment on Geodynamics of synconvergent extension and tectonic mode switching: Constraints from the Sevier-Laramide orogen by Michael L. Wells et al.
EL Miller, A Konstantinou, A Strickland
Tectonics 31 (4), 2012
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Articles 1–20