moh sholichin
moh sholichin
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Effects of different irrigation regimes and nitrogenous fertilizer on yield and growth parameters of maize
SM Shirazi, M Sholichin, M Jameel, S Akib, M Azizi
International Journal of Physical Sciences 6 (4), 677-683, 2011
Climatic parameters and net irrigation requirement of crops
SM Shirazi, Z Ismail, S Akib, M Sholichin, MA Islam
International Journal of Physical Sciences 6 (1), 15-26, 2011
Kajian Pengembangan Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih Pada Daerah Rawan Air Di Desa Sumbersih Kecamatan Panggungrejo Kabupaten Blitar
E Rohmaningsih, M Sholichin, R Haribowo
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan 8 (1), 48-59, 2017
Kajian identifikasi daya tampung beban pencemaran Kali Ngrowodengan menggunakan paket program QUAL2Kw
R Fatmawati, A Masrevaniah, M Solichin
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan 3 (2), 122-131, 2013
Field investigation of groundwater contamination from solid waste landfill in Malang, Indonesia
M Sholichin
Int J Civil Environ Eng 12 (2), 74-83, 2012
Development of drop number performance for estimate hydraulic jump on vertical and sloped drop structure
M Sholichin, S Akib
Int J Eng Sci 5 (11), 1678-87, 2011
Analisa pengaruh perubahan penutupan lahan terhadap debit sungai Sub DAS Metro dengan menggunakan program ARCSWAT
AC Harifa, M Sholichin, TB Prayogo
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan 8 (1), 1-14, 2017
Runoff velocity behaviour on smooth pavement and paving blocks surfaces measured by a tilted plot
L Sedyowati, S Suhardjono, E Suhartanto, M Sholichin
Journal of Water and Land Development 33 (1), 149, 2017
Hydrological drought index based on reservoir capacity–Case study of Batujai dam in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
IW Yasa, M Bisri, M Sholichin, U Andawayanti
Journal of Water and Land Development, 155-162, 2018
Sustainable ground improvement method using encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column reinforcement
M Hasan, MSI Zaini, NAW Hong, A Wahab, KA Masri, RP Jaya, M Hyodo, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 930 (1), 012016, 2021
Stabilization of kaolin clay soil reinforced with single encapsulated 20mm diameter bottom ash column
M Hasan, MSI Zaini, NAA Hashim, A Wahab, KA Masri, RP Jaya, M Hyodo, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 930 (1), 012099, 2021
Optimization of integrated reservoir for supporting the raw water supply
S Bachtiar, LM Limantara, M Sholichin, W Soetopo
Civil Engineering Journal 9 (4), 860-872, 2023
Kajian pengembangan jaringan distribusi air bersih pada PDAM Tirta Barito Kota Buntok
EW Diana, M Sholichin, R Haribowo
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering 11 (1), 8-17, 2020
Runoff behavior on urban road intersection based on flow profile simulation
L Sedyowati, E Suhartanto, M Sholichin
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 6 (1 …, 2018
Kajian Penentuan Status Mutu Air Di Kali Kloang Kabupaten Pamekasan (Metode Storet, Metode Indeks Pencemaran, Metode Ccme Wqi, Dan Metode Owqi
SK Amin
Universitas Brawijaya, 2014
Use of pi and storet methods to evalute water quality status of brantas river
M Sholichin, F Othman, LM Limantara
Journal of Mathematics and Technology 3, 116-124, 2010
Assessment of water availability in the cascade reservoir of Duriangkang-Muka Kuning for supporting the integrated optimization
S Bachtiar, LM Limantara, M Sholichin, W Soetopo
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 57 (3), 2022
Geotechnical properties of bauxite: A case study in Bukit Goh, Kuantan, Malaysia
M Hasan, MSI Zaini, AS Zulkafli, A Wahab, AA Hokabi, KA Masri, RP Jaya, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 930 (1), 012098, 2021
Pengelolaan air limbah: Proses pengolahan air limbah tersuspensi
M Sholichin
Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Universitas Brawijaya, 2012
Rencana Penjadwalan Pembagian Air Irigasi Daerah Irigasi Paguyaman Kanan Kabupaten Boalemo Provinsi Gorontalo
DF Nadjamuddin, W Soetopo, M Sholichin
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan 5 (2), 158-165, 2015
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Articles 1–20