Dong-Jin Lee
Dong-Jin Lee
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A new measure of quality of work life (QWL) based on need satisfaction and spillover theories
MJ Sirgy, D Efraty, P Siegel, DJ Lee
Social indicators research 55, 241-302, 2001
Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty
F Kressmann, MJ Sirgy, A Herrmann, F Huber, S Huber, DJ Lee
Journal of Business research 59 (9), 955-964, 2006
Managing marketing channel opportunism: the efficacy of alternative governance mechanisms
JR Brown, CS Dev, DJ Lee
Journal of Marketing 64 (2), 51-65, 2000
Work-life balance: An integrative review
MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee
Applied Research in Quality of Life 13, 229-254, 2018
How does a travel trip affect tourists’ life satisfaction?
MJ Sirgy, PS Kruger, DJ Lee, GB Yu
Journal of Travel research 50 (3), 261-275, 2011
Effect of self-congruity with sponsorship on brand loyalty
MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee, JS Johar, J Tidwell
Journal of Business Research 61 (10), 1091-1097, 2008
A model of close business relationships in China (guanxi)
DJ Lee, JH Pae, YH Wong
European journal of Marketing 35 (1/2), 51-69, 2001
Ethics institutionalization, quality of work life, and employee job-related outcomes: A survey of human resource managers in Thailand
K Koonmee, A Singhapakdi, B Virakul, DJ Lee
Journal of business research 63 (1), 20-26, 2010
Developing a subjective measure of consumer well-being
DJ Lee, MJ Sirgy, V Larsen, ND Wright
Journal of Macromarketing 22 (2), 158-169, 2002
Does television viewership play a role in the perception of quality of life?
MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee, R Kosenko, H Lee Meadow, D Rahtz, M Cicic, GX Jin, ...
Journal of Advertising 27 (1), 125-142, 1998
Developing a measure of community well-being based on perceptions of impact in various life domains
MJ Sirgy, RN Widgery, DJ Lee, GB Yu
Social Indicators Research 96, 295-311, 2010
Quality-of-life (QOL) marketing: Proposed antecedents and consequences
DJ Lee, MJ Sirgy
Journal of Macromarketing 24 (1), 44-58, 2004
Research on consumer well-being (CWB): Overview of the field and introduction to the special issue
MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee, D Rahtz
Journal of Macromarketing 27 (4), 341-349, 2007
The influence of love of money and religiosity on ethical decision-making in marketing
A Singhapakdi, SJ Vitell, DJ Lee, AM Nisius, GB Yu
Journal of business ethics 114, 183-191, 2013
Macro measures of consumer well-being (CWB): A critical analysis and a research agenda
MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee
Journal of Macromarketing 26 (1), 27-44, 2006
The impact of incongruity between an organization's CSR orientation and its employees' CSR orientation on employees' quality of work life
A Singhapakdi, DJ Lee, MJ Sirgy, K Senasu
Journal of Business Research 68 (1), 60-66, 2015
Well-being marketing: An ethical business philosophy for consumer goods firms
MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee
Journal of Business Ethics 77, 377-403, 2008
Setting socially responsible marketing objectives: A quality‐of‐life approach
MJ Sirgy, DJ Lee
European Journal of marketing 30 (5), 20-34, 1996
Further validation of a need-based quality-of-work-life (QWL) measure: Evidence from marketing practitioners
DJ Lee, A Singhapakdi, MJ Sirgy
Applied Research in Quality of life 2, 273-287, 2007
The effect of cultural distance on the relational exchange between exporters and importers: The case of Australian exporters
DJ Lee
Journal of Global Marketing 11 (4), 7-22, 1998
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Articles 1–20