Hasan Çetin
Hasan Çetin
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Profesörü, Çukurova Üniversitesi
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Geotechnical properties of tire-cohesive clayey soil mixtures as a fill material
H Cetin, M Fener, O Gunaydin
Engineering geology 88 (1-2), 110-120, 2006
Paleoseismology of the Palu–Lake Hazar segment of the East Anatolian fault zone, Turkey
H Cetin, H Güneyli, L Mayer
Tectonophysics 374 (3-4), 163-197, 2003
Site selection for hazardous wastes: a case study from the GAP area, Turkey
MI Yesilnacar, H Cetin
Engineering geology 81 (4), 371-388, 2005
Settlement and slaking problems in the world's fourth largest rock-fill dam, the Ataturk Dam in Turkey
H Cetin, M Laman, A Ertunc
Engineering geology 56 (3-4), 225-242, 2000
Soil-particle and pore orientations during consolidation of cohesive soils
H Cetin
Engineering geology 73 (1-2), 1-11, 2004
Soil structure changes during compaction of a cohesive soil
H Cetin, M Fener, M Söylemez, O Günaydin
Engineering geology 92 (1-2), 38-48, 2007
An environmental geomorphologic approach to site selection for hazardous wastes
MI Yesilnacar, H Cetin
Environmental Geology 55, 1659-1671, 2008
Seasonal variations in soil radon emanation: long-term continuous monitoring in light of seismicity
S İnan, A Kop, H Çetin, F Kulak, Z Pabuçcu, C Seyis, S Ergintav, O Tan, ...
Natural hazards 62, 575-591, 2012
Engineering and environmental effects of coastline changes in Turkey, northeastern Mediterranean
H Cetin, Y Bal, C Demirkol
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 315-330, 1999
An experimental study of soil memory and preconsolidation adjacent to an active tectonic structure: the Meers fault, Oklahoma, USA
H Cetin
Engineering Geology 57 (3-4), 169-178, 2000
Soil-particle and pore orientations during drained and undrained shear of a cohesive sandy silt clay soil
H Cetin, M Söylemez
Canadian geotechnical journal 41 (6), 1127-1138, 2004
Soil structure changes during drained and undrained triaxial shear of a clayey soil
H Cetin, A Gökoğlu
Soils and foundations 53 (5), 628-638, 2013
How did the Meers fault scarp form? Paleoearthquake or aseismic creep?: A soil mechanical perspective
H Cetin
Engineering geology 47 (3), 289-310, 1997
An improved method for determination of Holocene coastline changes around two ancient settlements in southern Anatolia: a geoarchaeological approach to historical land …
Y Bal, G Kelling, S Kapur, E Akça, H Cetin, O Erol
Land Degradation & Development 14 (4), 363-376, 2003
Dam projects affected by the landslides on the Coruh River, Turkey
A Ertunç, H Cetin
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 66, 335-343, 2007
The northwest extension of the Meers fault in southwestern Oklahoma
H Cetin
Texas A&M University, 1991
Haymana’nın (SW Ankara) doğusu ve batısındaki Üst Kretase-Alt Tersiyer istifinin sedimantolojik ve sedimanter petrolojik incelemesi
H Çetin, İH Demirel, SL Gökçen
TJK Bülteni 29 (2), 21-33, 1986
Near-surface folding along an active fault: seismic or aseismic?
H Cetin
Tectonophysics 292 (3-4), 279-291, 1998
Soil-pore and particle orientations caused by active faulting: A micromorphological perspective
H Cetin
Soil science 163 (5), 374-381, 1998
Geotechnical and geophysical studies for wind energy systems in earthquake-prone areas: Bahce (Osmaniye, Turkey) case
F Ozcep, M Guzel, D Kepekci, M Laman, S Bozdag, H Cetin, A Akat
International Journal of Physical Sciences 4 (10), 555-561, 2009
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Articles 1–20