Michael Gähler
Cited by
Cited by
Family dissolution, family reconstitution, and children’s educational careers: Recent evidence for Sweden
JO Jonsson, M Gähler
Demography 34 (2), 277-293, 1997
“To divorce is to die a bit...”: A longitudinal study of marital disruption and psychological distress among Swedish women and men
M Gähler
The Family Journal 14 (4), 372-382, 2006
Do employers prefer fathers? Evidence from a field experiment testing the gender by parenthood interaction effect on callbacks to job applications
M Bygren, A Erlandsson, M Gähler
European Sociological Review 33 (3), 337-348, 2017
Family formation and men's and women's attainment of workplace authority
M Bygren, M Gähler
Social forces 90 (3), 795-816, 2012
Life after divorce: economic, social and psychological well-being among Swedish adults and children following family dissolution
M Gähler
The Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University, 1998
Gender equality perceptions, division of paid and unpaid work, and partnership dissolution in Sweden
LS Oláh, M Gähler
Social forces 93 (2), 571-594, 2014
Labor and love: Wives' employment and divorce risk in its socio-political context
LP Cooke, J Erola, M Evertsson, M Gähler, J Härkönen, B Hewitt, ...
Social Politics 20 (4), 482-509, 2013
Childhood family structure and routes out of the parental home in Sweden
E Bernhardt, M Gähler, F Goldscheider
Acta Sociologica 48 (2), 99-115, 2005
Parental Divorce, Psychological Well-Being and Educational Attainment: Changed Experience, Unchanged Effect Among Swedes Born 1892–1991
M Gähler, EL Palmtag
Social Indicators Research 123 (2), 601-623, 2015
Has the association between parental divorce and young adults’ psychological problems changed over time? Evidence from Sweden, 1968-2000
M Gähler, A Garriga
Journal of family issues 34 (6), 784-808, 2013
Parental divorce and union disruption among young adults in Sweden
M Gähler, Y Hong, E Bernhardt
Journal of Family Issues 30 (5), 688-713, 2009
Familj och arbete: vardagsliv i Förändring
M Bygren, M Gähler, M Nermo
SNS förl., 2004
Moving back to “mamma”? Divorce, intergenerational coresidence, and latent family solidarity in Sweden
M Albertini, M Gähler, J Härkönen
Population, Space and Place 24 (6), e2142, 2018
Family type and parents’ time with children: Longitudinal evidence for Denmark
P Fallesen, M Gähler
Acta sociologica 63 (4), 361-380, 2020
Vad hände med 1990-talets stora förlorargrupper? Välfärd och ofärd under 2000-talet
J Fritzell, M Gähler, M Nermo
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 14 (2-3), 110-133, 2007
Self-reported psychological well-being among adult children of divorce in Sweden
M Gähler
Acta Sociologica 41 (2-3), 209-225, 1998
Bara en mor–ensamstående mödrars ekonomiska levnadsvillkor i 1990-talets Sverige
M Gähler
Ofärd i välfärden, 15-99, 2001
Nest-leaving, childhood family climate and later parent–child contact in Sweden
M Tosi, M Gähler
Acta Sociologica 59 (3), 249-268, 2016
Child living arrangements following separation and mental health of parents in Sweden
S Fritzell, M Gähler, E Fransson
SSM-Population Health 10, 100511, 2020
Can the trailing spouse phenomenon be explained by employer recruitment choices?
M Brandén, M Bygren, M Gähler
Population, Space and Place 24 (6), e2141, 2018
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Articles 1–20