W. T. Luke Teacy
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Cited by
Travos: Trust and reputation in the context of inaccurate information sources
WTL Teacy, J Patel, NR Jennings, M Luck
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 12, 183-198, 2006
Coping with inaccurate reputation sources: Experimental analysis of a probabilistic trust model
WTL Teacy, J Patel, NR Jennings, M Luck
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
UAV position estimation and collision avoidance using the extended Kalman filter
C Luo, SI McClean, G Parr, L Teacy, R De Nardi
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 62 (6), 2749-2762, 2013
A probabilistic trust model for handling inaccurate reputation sources
J Patel, WTL Teacy, NR Jennings, M Luck
Trust Management: Third International Conference, iTrust 2005, Paris, France …, 2005
An efficient and versatile approach to trust and reputation using hierarchical bayesian modelling
WTL Teacy, M Luck, A Rogers, NR Jennings
Artificial Intelligence 193, 149-185, 2012
Agent-based virtual organisations for the grid
J Patel, WTL Teacy, NR Jennings, M Luck, S Chalmers, N Oren, ...
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
Online planning for collaborative search and rescue by heterogeneous robot teams
Z Beck, WLT Teacy, A Rogers, NR Jennings
Planning search and rescue missions for UAV teams
CAB Baker, S Ramchurn, WT Teacy, NR Jennings
ECAI 2016, 1777-1782, 2016
Maintaining connectivity in UAV swarm sensing
WTL Teacy, J Nie, S McClean, G Parr
2010 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 1771-1776, 2010
Sequential decision making with untrustworthy service providers
WTL Teacy, G Chalkiadakis, A Rogers, NR Jennings
SUAAVE: Combining aerial robots and wireless networking
S Cameron, S Hailes, S Julier, S McClean, G Parr, N Trigoni, M Ahmed, ...
Collaborative online planning for automated victim search in disaster response
Z Beck, WTL Teacy, A Rogers, NR Jennings
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 100, 251-266, 2018
Collaborative sensing by unmanned aerial vehicles
WTL Teacy, J Nie, S McClean, G Parr, S Hailes, S Julier, N Trigoni, ...
Decentralized Bayesian reinforcement learning for online agent collaboration
WTL Teacy, G Chalkiadakis, A Farinelli, A Rogers, NR Jennings, ...
11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2012
The art of iam: The winning strategy for the 2006 competition
WTL Teacy, TD Huynh, RK Dash, NR Jennings, M Luck, J Patel
A hierarchical bayesian trust model based on reputation and group behaviour
WT Teacy, NR Jennings, A Rogers, M Luck
Max-sum decentralised coordination for sensor systems
WTL Teacy, A Farinelli, NJ Grabham, P Padhy, A Rogers, NJ Jennings
Agent-based trust and reputation in the context of inaccurate information sources
WTL Teacy
University of Southampton, 2006
Supporting formation and operation of virtual organisations in a grid environment
J Shao, WA Gray, NJ Fiddian, V Deora, G Shercliff, PJ Stockreisser, ...
Monitoring, policing and trust for grid-based virtual organisations
J Patel, WT Teacy, NR Jennings, M Luck, S Chalmers, N Oren, T Norman, ...
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Articles 1–20