Jae-Min Lim
Jae-Min Lim
Department of Chemistry, Changwon National University
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Phytoremediation of Arsenic and Lead in Contaminated Soil Using Chinese Brake Ferns (Pteris vittata) and Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea)
AL Salido, KL Hasty, JM Lim, DJ Butcher
International Journal of Phytoremediation 5 (2), 89-103, 2003
Dynamic developmental elaboration of N-linked glycan complexity in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo
K Aoki, M Perlman, JM Lim, R Cantu, L Wells, M Tiemeyer
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (12), 9127-9142, 2007
Ubiquitin-like small archaeal modifier proteins (SAMPs) in Haloferax volcanii
MA Humbard, HV Miranda, JM Lim, DJ Krause, JR Pritz, G Zhou, S Chen, ...
Nature 463 (7277), 54-60, 2010
Phytoremediation of lead using Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) with EDTA and electrodics
JM Lim, AL Salido, DJ Butcher
Microchemical Journal 76 (1-2), 3-9, 2004
A CUL-2 ubiquitin ligase containing three FEM proteins degrades TRA-1 to regulate C. elegans sex determination
NG Starostina, J Lim, M Schvarzstein, L Wells, AM Spence, ET Kipreos
Developmental cell 13 (1), 127-139, 2007
IDAWG: Metabolic incorporation of stable isotope labels for quantitative glycomics of cultured cells
R Orlando, JM Lim, JA Atwood III, PM Angel, M Fang, K Aoki, ...
Journal of proteome research 8 (8), 3816-3823, 2009
Determination of trace bisphenol A in complex samples using selective molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction coupled with capillary electrophoresis
S Mei, D Wu, M Jiang, B Lu, JM Lim, YK Zhou, YI Lee
Microchemical Journal 98 (1), 150-155, 2011
Identification of candidate biomarkers with cancer‐specific glycosylation in the tissue and serum of endometrioid ovarian cancer patients by glycoproteomic analysis
KL Abbott, JM Lim, L Wells, BB Benigno, JF McDonald, M Pierce
Proteomics 10 (3), 470-481, 2010
Synthesis and luminescent features of NaCaPO4: Tb3+ green phosphor for near UV-based LEDs
BV Ratnam, M Jayasimhadri, GB Kumar, K Jang, SS Kim, YI Lee, JM Lim, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 564, 100-104, 2013
Targeted glycoproteomic identification of biomarkers for human breast carcinoma
KL Abbott, K Aoki, JM Lim, M Porterfield, R Johnson, RM O’Regan, ...
Journal of proteome research 7 (4), 1470-1480, 2008
Site mapping and characterization of O-glycan structures on α-dystroglycan isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle
SH Stalnaker, S Hashmi, JM Lim, K Aoki, M Porterfield, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (32), 24882-24891, 2010
Identification of N-Glycosylated Proteins from the Central Nervous System of Drosophila Melanogaster
K Koles, JM Lim, K Aoki, M Porterfield, M Tiemeyer, L Wells, V Panin
Glycobiology 17 (12), 1388-1403, 2007
Regulation of glycan structures in murine embryonic stem cells: combined transcript profiling of glycan-related genes and glycan structural analysis
AV Nairn, K Aoki, M dela Rosa, M Porterfield, JM Lim, M Kulik, JM Pierce, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (45), 37835-37856, 2012
Structure of the F‐spondin domain of mindin, an integrin ligand and pattern recognition molecule
Y Li, C Cao, W Jia, L Yu, M Mo, Q Wang, Y Huang, JM Lim, M Ishihara, ...
The EMBO journal 28 (3), 286-297, 2009
Glycomic analyses of mouse models of congenital muscular dystrophy
SH Stalnaker, K Aoki, JM Lim, M Porterfield, M Liu, JS Satz, S Buskirk, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (24), 21180-21190, 2011
Molecularly imprinted solid phase microextraction fiber for trace analysis of catecholamines in urine and serum samples by capillary electrophoresis
X Zhang, S Xu, JM Lim, YI Lee
Talanta 99, 270-276, 2012
Structural reorganization of the interleukin-7 signaling complex
CA McElroy, PJ Holland, P Zhao, JM Lim, L Wells, E Eisenstein, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (7), 2503-2508, 2012
Reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+ in NaCaPO4: Eu phosphors prepared in a non-reducing atmosphere
BK Grandhe, VR Bandi, K Jang, SS Kim, DS Shin, YI Lee, JM Lim, T Song
Journal of alloys and compounds 509 (30), 7937-7942, 2011
O-glycosylation regulates polarized secretion by modulating Tango1 stability
L Zhang, ZA Syed, I van Dijk Härd, JM Lim, L Wells, KG Ten Hagen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), 7296-7301, 2014
A potential pitfall in 18O‐based N‐linked glycosylation site mapping
PM Angel, JM Lim, L Wells, C Bergmann, R Orlando
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2007
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