Güley Kurt
Güley Kurt
Professor, Sinop University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology
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Temporal changes of soft‐bottom zoobenthic communities in and around Alsancak Harbor (Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea), with special attention to the autecology of exotic species
ME Cinar, T Katagan, B Öztürk, Ö Egemen, Z Ergen, A Kocatas, M Önen, ...
Marine Ecology 27 (3), 229-246, 2006
Checklist of Annelida from the coasts of Turkey
ME Cinar, D Ertan, G Kurt Şahin
Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 (6), 734-764, 2014
Faunal assemblages of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in and around Alsancak Harbour (Izmir Bay, eastern Mediterranean) with special emphasis on alien species
ME Çinar, T Katağan, F Koçak, B Öztürk, Z Ergen, A Kocatas, M Önen, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 71 (1-2), 1-17, 2008
A check-list of polychaete species (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Black Sea
G Kurt Şahin, ME Çınar
Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 18 (1), 10-48, 2012
Seasonal dynamics of soft-bottom polychaetes in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean)
Z Ergen, ME Çinar, E Dagli, G Kurt
Scientia Marina 70 (S3), 197-207, 2006
Macrobenthic fauna associated with the invasive alien species Brachidontes pharaonis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Levantine Sea (Turkey)
ME Çinar, K Bakir, B Öztürk, T Katağan, A Doğan, S Açik, G Kurt-Sahin, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 97 (3 …, 2017
Eunicidae (Polychaeta) species in and around İskenderun Bay (Levantine Sea, Eastern Mediterranean) with a new alien species for the Mediterranean Sea and a re-description of …
G Kurt Şahin, ME Çinar
Turkish Journal of Zoology 33 (3), 331-347, 2009
Spatial distribution pattern of macroinvertebrates associated with the black mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Sea of Marmara
ME Çinar, K Bakir, B Öztürk, A Doğan, Ş Açik, F Kirkim, E Dağli, G Kurt, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 211, 103402, 2020
Four new alien species on the coasts of Greece (Eastern Mediterranean)
N Simboura, G Kurt Sahin, A Panagoulia, N Katsiaras
Mediterranean Marine Science 11 (2), 341-352, 2010
Spatial and temporal variations of soft bottom polychaetes of Sinop Peninsula (southern Black Sea) with new records
G Kurt Şahin, E Dağlı, M Sezgin
Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (1), 89-101, 2017
Macrozoobenthic Community Structure of İğneada Region in Turkey (the southwestern Black Sea)
G Kurt-Sahin, M Sezgin, F Ünlüer, B Öztürk, E Cavdar, E Dağlı
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 46 (3), 340-349, 2017
Marphysa cinari, a new species of Eunicidae (Polychaeta) from the coasts of Turkey (eastern Mediterranean) and re-descriptions of Marphysa kinbergi McIntosh, 1910 and …
G Kurt Sahin
Journal of Natural History 48 (33-34), 1989-2006, 2014
Macro-benthic invertebrates associated with the black sponge Sarcotragus foetidus (Porifera) in the Levantine and Aegean Seas, with special emphasis on alien species
ME Cinar, K Bakir, A Doğan, S Acik, G Kurt, T Katağan, B Öztürk, E Dağli, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 227, 106306, 2019
Faunal assemblages of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in and around Alsancak Harbour-(Izmir Bay, eastern Mediterranean)
ME Çınar, T Katağan, F Koçak, B Öztürk, Z Ergen, A Kocataş, M Önen, ...
J Mar Syst 71, 1-17, 2008
Eunicidae (Polychaeta) species in and around Iskenderun Bay (Levantine Sea, Eastern Mediterranean) with a new alien species for the Mediterranean Sea and a re-description of …
G Kurt-Sahin, ME Çinar
Turk. J. Zool 33, 331-347, 2009
New records of polychaetes (Annelida) from the Black Sea
G Kurt-Sahin, ME Çınar, E Dagli
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 60 (2), 153-165, 2019
Temporal changes in the polychaeta (Annelida) community associated with Cystoseira beds of Sinop Peninsula (Southern Black Sea)
S Kus, G Kurt-Sahin
Distribution of Eunicidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) along the Levantine coast of Turkey, with special emphasis on alien species
G Kurt-Sahin, ME Çinar
Marine Biodiversity 47 (2), 421-431, 2017
A new species of Augeneria (Polychaeta: Lumbrineridae) from deep-waters of the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean)
G Kurt-Sahin, ME Çinar, O Gonulal
Mediterranean Marine Science 17 (3), 708-713, 2016
Lessepsian polycaete species from the Turkish coasts
Z Ergen, ME Cinar, E Dagli, G Kurt
Workshop on Lessepsian Migration proceedings, Gokceada. Turkish Marine …, 2002
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Articles 1–20