Lapo Pierguidi
Lapo Pierguidi
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Individual variation in PROP status, fungiform papillae density, and responsiveness to taste stimuli in a large population sample
C Dinnella, E Monteleone, M Piochi, S Spinelli, J Prescott, L Pierguidi, ...
Chemical senses 43 (9), 697-710, 2018
Automatic and controlled attentional orienting in the elderly: A dual-process view of the positivity effect
G Gronchi, S Righi, L Pierguidi, F Giovannelli, I Murasecco, MP Viggiano
Acta Psychologica 185, 229-234, 2018
Remote testing: Sensory test during Covid-19 pandemic and beyond
C Dinnella, L Pierguidi, S Spinelli, M Borgogno, TG Toschi, S Predieri, ...
Food quality and preference 96, 104437, 2022
The meaning of emoji to describe food experiences in pre-adolescents
J Sick, E Monteleone, L Pierguidi, G Ares, S Spinelli
Foods 9 (9), 1307, 2020
Aesthetic shapes our perception of every-day objects: An ERP study
MPV S Righi, G Gronchi, L Pierguidi, S Messina
New Ideas in Psychology 47, 103-112, 2017
Individual differences in perceived complexity are associated with different affective responses to alcoholic cocktails
L Pierguidi, S Spinelli, C Dinnella, J Prescott, E Monteleone
Food Quality and Preference 76, 47-59, 2019
Emotional contexts modulate intentional memory suppression of neutral faces: Insights from ERPs
L Pierguidi, S Righi, G Gronchi, T Marzi, S Caharel, F Giovannelli, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 106, 1-13, 2016
The combined use of temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) and discrete time-intensity (DTI) to describe the dynamic sensory profile of alcoholic cocktails
L Pierguidi, S Spinelli, E Monteleone, C Dinnella
Food Quality and Preference 93, 104281, 2021
Liking patterns moderate the relationship between sensory, emotional and context appropriateness profiles: Evidences from a Global Profile study on alcoholic cocktails
L Pierguidi, S Spinelli, C Dinnella, J Prescott, E Monteleone
Food Quality and Preference 83, 103904, 2020
Individual variation in fungiform papillae density with different sizes and relevant associations with responsiveness to oral stimuli
M Piochi, L Pierguidi, L Torri, S Spinelli, E Monteleone, E Aprea, E Arena, ...
Food Quality and Preference 78, 103729, 2019
Combined influence of TAS2R38 genotype and PROP phenotype on the intensity of basic tastes, astringency and pungency in the Italian taste project
A Robino, MP Concas, S Spinelli, L Pierguidi, BJ Tepper, P Gasparini, ...
Food Quality and Preference 95, 104361, 2022
Phenol-rich food acceptability: The influence of variations in sweetness optima and sensory-liking patterns
S Spinelli, J Prescott, L Pierguidi, C Dinnella, E Arena, A Braghieri, ...
Nutrients 13 (3), 866, 2021
Development of an emoji-based self-report measurement tool to measure emotions elicited by foods in preadolescents
J Sick, E Monteleone, C Dinnella, L Pierguidi, S Spinelli
Food Quality and Preference 100, 104585, 2022
Attentional bias for vegetables is negatively associated with acceptability and is related to sensory properties
H Agovi, L Pierguidi, C Dinnella, MP Viggiano, E Monteleone, S Spinelli
Food Quality and Preference 96, 104429, 2022
Sensory acceptability and personality traits both determine which contexts are preferred for consumption of alcoholic cocktails
L Pierguidi, S Spinelli, C Dinnella, J Prescott, E Monteleone
Food Quality and Preference 85, 103978, 2020
Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Starmerella bacillaris on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of sparkling pear cider (Perry)
S Guerrini, V Galli, D Barbato, G Facchini, S Mangani, L Pierguidi, ...
European Food Research and Technology 249 (2), 341-352, 2023
The relationship between disgust sensitivity and BMI: Is the food disgusting or am I?
S Spinelli, C Cunningham, L Pierguidi, C Dinnella, E Monteleone, ...
Food Quality and Preference 92, 104222, 2021
Validation of a low-cost EEG device in detecting neural correlates of social conformity
L Pierguidi, A Guazzini, E Imbimbo, S Righi, M Sorelli, L Bocchi
2019 41st annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2019
Skin conductance responses to oral stimuli: The role of taste quality and intensity, and personality traits
S Spinelli, L Pierguidi, G Gavazzi, C Dinnella, A De Toffoli, J Prescott, ...
Food Quality and Preference 109, 104917, 2023
La professione dell'ergonomo: Nella progettazione dell'ambiente, dei prodotti e dell'organizzazione
F Tosi
FrancoAngeli, 2017
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Articles 1–20