Alexander York
Cited by
Cited by
Modeling, identification, and control of a dielectric electro-active polymer positioning system
G Rizzello, D Naso, A York, S Seelecke
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (2), 632-643, 2014
Closed loop control of dielectric elastomer actuators based on self-sensing displacement feedback
G Rizzello, D Naso, A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (3), 035034, 2016
Experimental comparison of bias elements for out-of-plane DEAP actuator system
M Hodgins, A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (9), 094016, 2013
Experimental characterization of the hysteretic and rate-dependent electromechanical behavior of dielectric electro-active polymer actuators
A York, J Dunn, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 19 (9), 094014, 2010
Modeling of the effects of the electrical dynamics on the electromechanical response of a DEAP circular actuator with a mass–spring load
G Rizzello, M Hodgins, D Naso, A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (9), 094003, 2015
A self-sensing approach for dielectric elastomer actuators based on online estimation algorithms
G Rizzello, D Naso, A York, S Seelecke
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (2), 728-738, 2016
Design and control of a high-speed positioning system based on dielectric elastomer membrane actuators
S Hau, G Rizzello, M Hodgins, A York, S Seelecke
IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics 22 (3), 1259-1267, 2017
An electro-mechanically coupled model for the dynamic behavior of a dielectric electro-active polymer actuator
M Hodgins, G Rizzello, D Naso, A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 23 (10), 104006, 2014
Experimental characterization of self-sensing SMA actuators under controlled convective cooling
N Lewis, A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (9), 094012, 2013
Modeling and experimental validation of a bi-stable out-of-plane DEAP actuator system
M Hodgins, A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 20 (9), 094012, 2011
Systematic approach to development of pressure sensors using dielectric electro-active polymer membranes
A York, J Dunn, S Seelecke
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (9), 094015, 2013
Modeling piezoelectric actuators with hysteretic recurrent neural networks
JP Lien, A York, T Fang, GD Buckner
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 163 (2), 516-525, 2010
Design and fabrication of a three-finger prosthetic hand using SMA muscle wires
F Simone, A York, S Seelecke
Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication 2015 9429, 128-135, 2015
Elasticity and stress relaxation of a very small vocal fold
T Riede, A York, S Furst, R Müller, S Seelecke
Journal of biomechanics 44 (10), 1936-1940, 2011
Performance prediction and scaling laws of circular dielectric elastomer membrane actuators
S Hau, A York, G Rizzello, S Seelecke
Journal of Mechanical Design 140 (11), 113501, 2018
High-force dielectric electroactive polymer (DEAP) membrane actuator
S Hau, A York, S Seelecke
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2016 9798, 21-27, 2016
Towards self-sensing of DEAP actuators: capacitive sensing experimental analysis
A York, S Seelecke
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 44151, 307-314, 2010
Performance prediction of circular dielectric electro-active polymers membrane actuators with various geometries
S Hau, A York, S Seelecke
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2015 9430, 76-83, 2015
Self-sensing in dielectric electro-active polymer actuator using linear-in-parametes online estimation
G Rizzello, D Naso, A York, S Seelecke
2015 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM), 300-306, 2015
Dynamic modeling and experimental validation of an annular dielectric elastomer actuator with a biasing mass
G Rizzello, M Hodgins, D Naso, A York, S Seelecke
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 137 (1), 011005, 2015
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Articles 1–20