Martin Koniczek
Martin Koniczek
Dept. of Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan
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Quantitative in vivo redox sensors uncover oxidative stress as an early event in life
D Knoefler, M Thamsen, M Koniczek, NJ Niemuth, AK Diederich, U Jakob
Molecular cell 47 (5), 767-776, 2012
Fast self triggered multi channel readout ASIC for time-and energy measurement
P Fischer, I Peric, M Ritzert, M Koniczek
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (3), 1153-1158, 2009
Active pixel imagers incorporating pixel‐level amplifiers based on polycrystalline‐silicon thin‐film transistors
Y El‐Mohri, LE Antonuk, M Koniczek, Q Zhao, Y Li, RA Street, JP Lu
Medical physics 36 (7), 3340-3355, 2009
Theoretical investigation of the noise performance of active pixel imaging arrays based on polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors
M Koniczek, LE Antonuk, Y El‐Mohri, AK Liang, Q Zhao
Medical physics 44 (7), 3491-3503, 2017
Exploration of the potential performance of polycrystalline silicon-based active matrix flat-panel imagers incorporating active pixel sensor architectures
LE Antonuk, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, M Koniczek, J McDonald, M Yeakey, ...
SPIE Medical Imaging, 69130I-69130I-13, 2008
Performance of in-pixel circuits for photon counting arrays (PCAs) based on polycrystalline silicon TFTs
AK Liang, M Koniczek, LE Antonuk, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, RA Street, JP Lu
Physics in Medicine & Biology 61 (5), 1968, 2016
Initial steps toward the realization of large area arrays of single photon counting pixels based on polycrystalline silicon TFTs
AK Liang, M Koniczek, LE Antonuk, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, H Jiang, ...
Medical Imaging 2014: Physics of Medical Imaging 9033, 410-418, 2014
Noise characterization of polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors for x-ray imagers based on active pixel architectures
LE Antonuk, M Koniczek, J McDonald, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, M Behravan
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 1066, 1066-A19-03, 2008
Empirical noise performance of prototype active pixel arrays employing polycrystalline silicon thin‐film transistors
M Koniczek, LE Antonuk, Y El‐Mohri, AK Liang, Q Zhao
Medical Physics 47 (9), 3972-3983, 2020
Noise performance limits of advanced x-ray imagers employing poly-Si-based active pixel architectures
M Koniczek, Y El-Mohri, LE Antonuk, A Liang, Q Zhao, H Jiang
Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging 7961, 208-217, 2011
Active pixel and photon counting imagers based on poly-Si TFTs: rewriting the rule book on large area flat panel x-ray devices
LE Antonuk, M Koniczek, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao
Medical Imaging 2009: Physics of Medical Imaging 7258, 379-388, 2009
Theoretical investigation of the count rate capabilities of in‐pixel amplifiers for photon counting arrays based on polycrystalline silicon TFT s
AK Liang, M Koniczek, LE Antonuk, Y El‐Mohri, Q Zhao
Medical Physics 45 (10), 4418-4429, 2018
Performance analysis of several generations of flat-panel x-ray imagers based on polycrystalline silicon TFTs
LE Antonuk, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, M Koniczek, A Liang, H Jiang, ...
Medical Imaging 2013: Physics of Medical Imaging 8668, 41-49, 2013
Empirical and theoretical examination of the noise performance of a prototype polycrystalline silicon active pixel array
M Koniczek, LE Antonuk, Y El-Mohri, AK Liang, Q Zhao
Medical Imaging 2018: Physics of Medical Imaging 10573, 158-165, 2018
Exploration of maximum count rate capabilities for large-area photon counting arrays based on polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistors
AK Liang, M Koniczek, LE Antonuk, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao
Medical Imaging 2016: Physics of Medical Imaging 9783, 963-969, 2016
Wearable spectrometer for biomolecule interrogation in biological tissue
NS Cucinelli, I Oraiqat, R Clarke, M Koniczek
US Patent App. 18/040,415, 2023
Count rate capabilities of polycrystalline silicon photon counting detectors for CBCT applications—a theoretical study
AK Liang, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, M Koniczek, LE Antonuk
Physics in Medicine & Biology 65 (3), 035009, 2020
Theoretical count rate capabilities of polycrystalline silicon photon counting imagers for CBCT applications
AK Liang, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, M Koniczek, LE Antonuk
Medical Imaging 2019: Physics of Medical Imaging 10948, 304-311, 2019
SU‐HH‐AUD C‐01: Empirical Investigation of Flat‐Panel Imagers Incorporating High‐Efficiency, Segmented BGO and CsI: Tl Detectors for Radiotherapy Imaging
Y Wang, Q Zhao, LE Antonuk, Y El‐Mohri, M Koniczek
Medical Physics 35 (6Part18), 2853-2853, 2008
Empirical performance of polycrystalline silicon pixel circuit components for monolithic, large-area photon counting arrays
AK Liang, M Koniczek, Y El-Mohri, Q Zhao, LE Antonuk
Engineering Research Express 3 (4), 045014, 2021
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Articles 1–20