Cathie Wells
Cathie Wells
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Reducing transatlantic flight emissions by fuel-optimised routing
CA Wells, PD Williams, NK Nichols, D Kalise, I Poll
Environmental Research Letters 16 (2), 025002, 2021
Refining an ensemble of volcanic ash forecasts using satellite retrievals: Raikoke 2019
A Capponi, NJ Harvey, HF Dacre, K Beven, C Saint, C Wells, MR James
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (9), 6115-6134, 2022
Minimising emissions from flights through realistic wind fields with varying aircraft weights
CA Wells, PD Williams, NK Nichols, D Kalise, I Poll
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 117, 103660, 2023
Pakistan climate change impact storylines based on existing literature
C Wells, C Petty, E Saggioro, RJ Cornforth
Zenodo, 1-117, 2023
The role of airspeed variability in fixed-time, fuel-optimal aircraft trajectory planning
CA Wells, D Kalise, NK Nichols, I Poll, PD Williams
Optimization and Engineering 24 (2), 1057-1087, 2023
Using the Implementation Centric Evolving Climate Change Adaptation Process to bridge the gap between policy and action
CA Wells, E Saggioro, C Petty, R Cornforth
Frontiers in Climate 5, 1197027, 2023
Climate risk assessment for the transboundary region of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers basin
RJ Cornforth, E Saggioro, C Petty, A Verhoef, CA Wells
Zenodo, 2023
Reformulating aircraft routing algorithms to reduce fuel burn and thus CO2 emissions
CA Wells
University of Reading, 2023
Evaluation of methods of estimating time‐optimal flight routes in a changing climate
JCH Cheung, CA Wells, ECC Steele
Meteorological Applications 30 (2), e2121, 2023
Reducing aviation emissions: investigating time minimal and fixed time trajectories for transatlantic flights.
C Wells, P Williams, N Nichols, D Kalise, I Poll
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-689, 2022
Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions for Transatlantic Flights via Optimal Control Theory
C Wells
EGU General Assembly 2022
C Wells, P Williams, N Nichols, D Kalise, I Poll
The route to more sustainable flight.
C Wells, PD Williams, NK Nichols, I Poll
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Articles 1–13