Kristijan Kolozvari
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Cited by
Modeling of cyclic shear-flexure interaction in reinforced concrete structural walls. I: Theory
K Kolozvari, K Orakcal, JW Wallace
Journal of Structural Engineering 141 (5), 04014135, 2015
Modeling of cyclic shear-flexure interaction in reinforced concrete structural walls. II: Experimental validation
K Kolozvari, TA Tran, K Orakcal, JW Wallace
Journal of Structural Engineering 141 (5), 04014136, 2015
Shear-flexure interaction modeling for reinforced concrete structural walls and columns under reversed cyclic loading
K Kolozvari, K Orakcal, JW Wallace
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California …, 2015
New opensees models for simulating nonlinear flexural and coupled shear-flexural behavior of RC walls and columns
K Kolozvari, K Orakcal, JW Wallace
Computers & Structures 196, 246-262, 2018
Comparative study of state-of-the-art macroscopic models for planar reinforced concrete walls
K Kolozvari, C Arteta, M Fischinger, S Gavridou, M Hube, T Isakovic, ...
Analytical modeling of cyclic shear-flexure interaction in reinforced concrete structural walls
KI Kolozvari
University of California, Los Angeles, 2013
Practical nonlinear modeling of reinforced concrete structural walls
K Kolozvari, JW Wallace
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (12), G4016001, 2016
State-of-the-art in nonlinear finite element modeling of isolated planar reinforced concrete walls
K Kolozvari, L Biscombe, F Dashti, RP Dhakal, A Gogus, MF Gullu, ...
Engineering Structures 194, 46-65, 2019
Three-dimensional model for nonlinear analysis of slender flanged reinforced concrete walls
K Kolozvari, K Kalbasi, K Orakcal, J Wallace
Engineering Structures 236, 112105, 2021
Simplified model for assessing progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete frames under an interior column loss
Q Zhang, YG Zhao, K Kolozvari, L Xu
Engineering Structures 215, 110688, 2020
Shear–flexure-interaction models for planar and flanged reinforced concrete walls
K Kolozvari, K Kalbasi, K Orakcal, LM Massone, J Wallace
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 6391-6417, 2019
Assessment of dynamic behavior and seismic performance of a high-rise rc coupled wall building
K Kolozvari, V Terzic, R Miller, D Saldana
Engineering Structures 176, 606-620, 2018
Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete structure against progressive collapse
Q Zhang, YG Zhao, K Kolozvari, L Xu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 228, 108831, 2022
Three-dimensional shear-flexure interaction model for analysis of non-planar reinforced concrete walls
K Kolozvari, K Kalbasi, K Orakcal, J Wallace
Journal of Building Engineering 44, 102946, 2021
Formulation of an efficient shear-flexure interaction model for planar reinforced concrete walls
LM Massone, CN López, K Kolozvari
Engineering Structures 243, 112680, 2021
Implications of modeling approaches on seismic performance of low-and mid-rise office and hospital shear wall buildings
V Terzic, K Kolozvari, D Saldana
Engineering Structures 189, 129-146, 2019
Probabilistic evaluation of post-earthquake functional recovery for a tall RC core wall building using F-Rec framework
V Terzic, K Kolozvari
Engineering Structures 253, 113785, 2022
Practical nonlinear modeling of U-shaped reinforced concrete walls under bi-directional loading
K Kolozvari, G Piatos, K Beyer
Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2017
Validation of an efficient shear-flexure interaction model for planar reinforced concrete walls
CN López, LM Massone, K Kolozvari
Engineering Structures 252, 113590, 2022
Numerical modeling of steel–concrete composite structures
Z Qiang, L Yaozhuang, K Kolozvari
Structural Concrete 19 (6), 1727-1739, 2018
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Articles 1–20