Xing Huang
Xing Huang
Hangzhou City University
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Cited by
Polyphenol and self-assembly: metal polyphenol nanonetwork for drug delivery and pharmaceutical applications
X Zhang, G Parekh, B Guo, X Huang, Y Dong, W Han, X Chen, G Xiao
Future Drug Discovery 1 (1), FDD7, 2019
Microfluidic synthesis of multimode Au@ CoFeB-Rg3 nanomedicines and their cytotoxicity and anti-tumor effects
W Zhang, X Zhao, Y Yuan, F Miao, W Li, S Ji, X Huang, X Chen, T Jiang, ...
Chemistry of Materials 32 (12), 5044-5056, 2020
Step emulsification: high-throughput production of monodisperse droplets
L Liu, N Xiang, Z Ni, X Huang, J Zheng, Y Wang, X Zhang
BioTechniques 68 (3), 114-116, 2020
Investigation of microfluidic co-flow effects on step emulsification: Interfacial tension and flow velocities
J Lian, X Luo, X Huang, Y Wang, Z Xu, X Ruan
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 568, 381-390, 2019
Similarity-based prediction method for machinery remaining useful life: A review
B Xue, H Xu, X Huang, K Zhu, Z Xu, H Pei
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 121 (3), 1501 …, 2022
Collective generation of milliemulsions by step-emulsification
X Huang, M Eggersdorfer, J Wu, CX Zhao, Z Xu, D Chen, DA Weitz
RSC advances 7 (24), 14932-14938, 2017
Improved similarity based prognostics method for turbine engine degradation with degradation consistency test
B Xue, F Xu, X Huang, Z Xu, X Zhang
Applied Intelligence, 1-21, 2022
Synthesis of nanomedicine hydrogel microcapsules by droplet microfluidic process and their pH and temperature dependent release
R Liu, Q Wu, X Huang, X Zhao, X Chen, Y Chen, DA Weitz, Y Song
RSC advances 11 (60), 37814-37823, 2021
Electro-coalescence in step emulsification: dynamics and applications
X Huang, B He, Z Xu, H Pei, YJ Ruan
Lab on a Chip 20 (3), 592-600, 2020
Ferrofluid double emulsion generation and manipulation under magnetic fields
X Huang, M Saadat, MA Bijarchi, MB Shafii
Chemical Engineering Science 270, 118519, 2023
Data-driven prognostics method for turbofan engine degradation using hybrid deep neural network
B Xue, Z Xu, X Huang, P Nie
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35, 5371-5387, 2021
Designing self-floating anisotropic macroporous hydrogel by step emulsification and buoyancy-assisted microfluidics
X Huang, L Liu, JL Wang, M Bi, C Liu, W Liao, P Wang, J Liu, Z Hou, Z Xu, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 446, 137348, 2022
Optimization and development of a universal flow-based microfluidic gradient generator
Z Xu, X Huang, P Wang, H Wang, DA Weitz
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 20, 1-10, 2016
Creating monodispersed droplets with electrowetting-on-dielectric step emulsification
B He, X Huang, H Xu, Z Xu, P Wang, X Ruan
AIP Advances 8 (7), 2018
Multichannel multijunction droplet microfluidic device to synthesize hydrogel microcapsules with different core–shell structures and adjustable core positions
Q Wu, X Huang, R Liu, X Yang, G Xiao, N Jiang, DA Weitz, Y Song
Langmuir 40 (3), 1950-1960, 2023
Microwave foaming of polymers
J Zhao, S Zheng, Z Xu, X Huang
Journal of Materials Science 56 (27), 15491-15498, 2021
Applications of microcapillary films in bioanalytical techniques
J Liu, Z Xu, Y Shan, X Huang
Analyst 146 (5), 1529-1537, 2021
The constant/variable kinematics adjustment of the crosshead and the mold’s stability management in injection molding
N Zhao, Z Xu, Y Shan, H Zhou, X Huang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 133 (1), 901-912, 2024
Microfluidic production of autofluorescent BSA hydrogel microspheres and their sequential trapping for fluorescence-based on-chip permanganate sensing
L Liu, G Li, N Xiang, X Huang, K Shiba
Sensors 20 (20), 5886, 2020
Microfluidic bubble-templating 3D printing of ordered macroporous hydrogels
Q Dai, W Liao, J Liu, M Su, P Wang, Z Xu, X Huang
Composites Part B: Engineering 284, 111725, 2024
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Articles 1–20