Simon A Gayther
Simon A Gayther
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
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Genetic heterogeneity and penetrance analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in breast cancer families
D Ford, DF Easton, M Stratton, S Narod, D Goldgar, P Devilee, DT Bishop, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 62 (3), 676-689, 1998
Association between endometriosis and risk of histological subtypes of ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of case–control studies
CL Pearce, C Templeman, MA Rossing, A Lee, AM Near, PM Webb, ...
The lancet oncology 13 (4), 385-394, 2012
Age-dependent DNA methylation of genes that are suppressed in stem cells is a hallmark of cancer
AE Teschendorff, U Menon, A Gentry-Maharaj, SJ Ramus, ...
Genome research 20 (4), 440-446, 2010
Pathology of breast and ovarian cancers among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA)
N Mavaddat, D Barrowdale, IL Andrulis, SM Domchek, D Eccles, ...
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 21 (1), 134-147, 2012
Familial gastric cancer: overview and guidelines for management
C Caldas, F Carneiro, HT Lynch, J Yokota, GL Wiesner, SM Powell, ...
Journal of medical genetics 36 (12), 873-880, 1999
Association between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and survival in women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer
KL Bolton, G Chenevix-Trench, C Goh, S Sadetzki, SJ Ramus, BY Karlan, ...
Jama 307 (4), 382-389, 2012
Mutations truncating the EP300 acetylase in human cancers
SA Gayther, SJ Batley, L Linger, A Bannister, K Thorpe, SF Chin, Y Daigo, ...
Nature genetics 24 (3), 300-303, 2000
Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer
SE Bojesen, KA Pooley, SE Johnatty, J Beesley, K Michailidou, JP Tyrer, ...
Nature genetics 45 (4), 371-384, 2013
Prevalence and penetrance of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in a population-based series of breast cancer cases
Anglian Breast Cancer Study Group
British journal of cancer 83 (10), 1301, 2000
Germline mutations of the BRCA1 gene in breast and ovarian cancer families provide evidence for a genotype–phenotype correlation
SA Gayther, W Warren, S Mazoyer, PA Russell, PA Harrington, M Chiano, ...
Nature genetics 11 (4), 428-433, 1995
Variation of risks of breast and ovarian cancer associated with different germline mutations of the BRCA2 gene
SA Gayther, J Mangion, P Russell, S Seal, R Barfoot, BAJ Ponder, ...
Nature genetics 15 (1), 103-105, 1997
A collaborative survey of 80 mutations in the BRCA1 breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene: implications for presymptomatic testing and screening
D Shattuck-Eidens, M McClure, J Simard, F Labrie, S Narod, F Couch, ...
Jama 273 (7), 535-541, 1995
Association of type and location of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations with risk of breast and ovarian cancer
TR Rebbeck, N Mitra, F Wan, OM Sinilnikova, S Healey, L McGuffog, ...
Jama 313 (13), 1347-1361, 2015
Principles for the post-GWAS functional characterization of cancer risk loci
ML Freedman, ANA Monteiro, SA Gayther, GA Coetzee, A Risch, C Plass, ...
Nature genetics 43 (6), 513-518, 2011
Germline Mutations in the BRIP1, BARD1, PALB2, and NBN Genes in Women With Ovarian Cancer
SJ Ramus, H Song, E Dicks, JP Tyrer, AN Rosenthal, MP Intermaggio, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 107 (11), djv214, 2015
Hormone-receptor expression and ovarian cancer survival: an Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium study
W Sieh, M Köbel, TA Longacre, DD Bowtell, A DeFazio, MT Goodman, ...
The lancet oncology 14 (9), 853-862, 2013
Two percent of men with early-onset prostate cancer harbor germline mutations in the BRCA2 gene
SM Edwards, Z Kote-Jarai, J Meitz, R Hamoudi, Q Hope, P Osin, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 72 (1), 1-12, 2003
Identification of 12 new susceptibility loci for different histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer
CM Phelan, KB Kuchenbaecker, JP Tyrer, SP Kar, K Lawrenson, ...
Nature genetics 49 (5), 680-691, 2017
Identification of Germ-Line E-cadherin Mutations in Gastric Cancer Families of European Origin
SA Gayther, KL Gorringe, SJ Ramus, D Huntsman, F Roviello, N Grehan, ...
Cancer research 58 (18), 4086-4089, 1998
GWAS meta-analysis and replication identifies three new susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer
PDP Pharoah, YY Tsai, SJ Ramus, CM Phelan, EL Goode, K Lawrenson, ...
Nature genetics 45 (4), 362-370, 2013
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Articles 1–20